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Please delete nodes from Mesh Map

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Please delete nodes from Mesh Map

Please delete all Nodes containing "N1VTT" from the Mesh Map. A total of seven nodes need to be removed, all collocated currently. I will reload correctly once they have been deleted. I got a little happy with the "Update AREDN..." button.

Thank you,

nc8q's picture
Please delete nodes from Mesh Map
Hi, Randy:

Set the lat and long to blank.
Re-do 'Upload data to AREDN Server'.
The nodes will need internet access.

73, Chuck
That did not work, but did manage to add another "node" instance. 

I even tried "Apply Location Settings" with blank Lat/Long and then "Upload data..." which gave "ERROR: Cannot update online map."

73, Randy
K6CCC's picture
You obviously have not tried
You obviously have not tried that (at least with current firmware).  The node will not let you upload a blank location.
Please delete my nodes from Mesh Map
I'm having the same problem here as well, and will need all nodes containing "N3KEV" deleted from the map.  

I changed the node names a lot early on.  With each update the map dutifully added another node to the display.

Some nodes have moved around too; once there's a clean slate I'll redo the updates.

Mike N3KEV
K5DLQ's picture
nc8q's picture
each update the map dutifully added another node to the display

Each update the map dutifully added a 2nd node to the display

I set my longitude and latitude and grid square to blank and

  • Gridsquare purged.
  • Lat/lon purged.

was displayed.
I now have 2 icons on the map; 1 new (editable, but not removable), one old (uneditable, unremoveable).
The old icon has a different MAC, of which is not found with CLI 'ifconfig' nor 'http://localnode.local.mesh/cgi-bin/'sysinfo'.
Updating/changing firmware version and 'Apply Location Settings' with blank location, updates that information on the map,
but did not remove the node.
Old node information with different MAC remains.
MAC: E4:95:6E:48:53:BF -> Current
MAC: E4:95:6E:49:53:BF -> Old
73, Chuck


Image Attachments: 
Configuration NOT saved!
  • ERROR: Cannot update online map.

Unable to purge the location data.  My firmware is,   I see yours is on an older [], on which you can still purge the location data.

73... Mike N3KEV


K5DLQ's picture

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