In order to ease the burden of configuring network switches for AREDN use, we are happy to make the following files available. These can be used to restore into your switch for the stated functionality (ie. 1 LAN port, 3 DTD ports, 1 WAN port, etc). After restoring these files, you will need to set a secure password on your switch, and possibly, do some additional post-configuration steps.
Manufacturer | Model | Switch Configuration File | Port Details |
Netgear | GS105E (original version) | 4 NODE, 1 WAN |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
5 NODE |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
1 LAN, 3 NODE, 1 WAN |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
1 LAN, 4 NODE |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
2 LAN, 2 NODE, 1 WAN |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
2 LAN, 3 NODE |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
3 LAN, 1 NODE, 1 WAN |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
3 LAN, 2 NODE |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
4 LAN, 1 NODE |
Port 1: Mesh Node A (could be on any port) |
GS105Ev2 | 4 NODE, 1 WAN (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
5 NODE (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
1 LAN, 3 NODE, 1 WAN (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
1 LAN, 4 NODE (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
2 LAN, 2 NODE, 1 WAN (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
2 LAN, 3 NODE (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
3 LAN, 1 NODE, 1 WAN (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
3 LAN, 2 NODE (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A |
4 LAN, 1 NODE (firmware 1.3.x) |
Port 1: Mesh Node A (could be on any port) |
GS108Ev3 | 3 LAN, 5 NODE | Port 1: Mesh Node A Port 2: LAN #1 on Node A Port 3: LAN #2 on Node A Port 4: Mesh Node B Port 5: LAN #1 on Node B Port 6: Mesh Node C Port 7: Mesh Node D Port 8: Mesh Node E |
4 LAN, 3 NODE, 1 WAN | Port 1: Mesh Node A Port 2: LAN #1 on Node A Port 3: LAN #2 on Node A Port 4: Mesh Node B Port 5: LAN #1 on Node B Port 6: Mesh Node C Port 7: LAN #1 on Node C Port 8: WAN on Node A/B/C |
4 LAN, 4 NODE | Port 1: Mesh Node A Port 2: LAN #1 on Node A Port 3: LAN #2 on Node A Port 4: Mesh Node B Port 5: LAN #1 on Node B Port 6: LAN #2 on Node B Port 7: Mesh Node C Port 8: Mesh Node D |
5 LAN, 2 NODE, 1 WAN | Port 1: Mesh Node A Port 2: LAN #1 on Node A Port 3: LAN #2 on Node A Port 4: LAN #3 on Node A Port 5: Mesh Node B Port 6: LAN #1 on Node B Port 7: LAN #2 on Node B Port 8: WAN on Node A/B |
5 LAN, 3 NODE | Port 1: Mesh Node A Port 2: LAN #1 on Node A Port 3: LAN #2 on Node A Port 4: Mesh Node B Port 5: LAN #1 on Node B Port 6: LAN #2 on Node B Port 7: Mesh Node C Port 8: LAN #1 on Node C |
6 LAN, 1 NODE, 1 WAN | Port 1: Mesh Node A Port 2: LAN #1 on Node A Port 3: LAN #2 on Node A Port 4: LAN #3 on Node A Port 5: LAN #4 on Node A Port 6: LAN #5 on Node A Port 7: LAN #6 on Node A Port 8: WAN on Node A |
6 LAN, 2 NODE | Port 1: Mesh Node A Port 2: LAN #1 on Node A Port 3: LAN #2 on Node A Port 4: LAN #3 on Node A Port 5: Mesh Node B Port 6: LAN #5 on Node B Port 7: LAN #6 on Node B Port 8: LAN #7 on Node B |
Port 1: Mesh Node A Port 2: LAN #1 on Node A Port 3: LAN #2 on Node A Port 4: LAN #3 on Node A Port 5: LAN #4 on Node A Port 6: LAN #5 on Node A Port 7: LAN #6 on Node A Port 8: LAN #7 on Node A |
Ubiquiti | TS-5-POE | 1 LAN, 3 NODE, 1 WAN (coming soon) | |
2 LAN, 2 NODE, 1 WAN (coming soon) |
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