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About Us

About the AREDN® Dev Team


The AREDN® Development Team was formed February of 2015 by former members of the BBHNDev team interested in making mesh software work for the needs of Amateur Radio Operators and emergency networks. The AREDN® work is based on the experiences and skills gained working on the BBHNDev team.

Group Mission

To provide the Amateur Radio Community with a quality solution for supporting the needs of high speed data in the Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications field.

Group Responsibilities

The AREDN® team strives to create quality software releases for use on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) devices with a primary focus on meeting the needs of emergency communications data networks. Many members of the AREDN® dev team were members of the BBHN Dev Team which was responsible for producing and testing versions of BBHN from version 1.0.1 thru version 3.0.1, including the tunneling solution. Users have obtained the work-products of this team from  and from various distribution sites.

Organizational Structure

The AREDN® team consists of community volunteers who believe in the goals of the project and wish to contribute to the advancement of Amateur Radio. The volunteers take on tasks that they feel they are capable of performing in order to better the solution.

Overall the three main aspects of structure exists inside the team. The volunteers may be contributing to multiples categories over the course of their involvement

  • Project Manager
    • Assists in coordinating efforts of volunteers
    • Provides insight and planning
  • Programming
    • Writes code and scripts or builds images in order to implement features and fixes into the solution(s)
  • Beta Testers
    • Provide diverse skill and information real world knowledge about the solution(s)
    • Provide networks that are upgraded to experimental releases to check that the programmers creations functions as expected and to help in located any possible areas for improvement before a stable release is published.

No single volunteer is responsible for the entire solution and at the same time the solution would not exist as it is today without the assistance of each and every volunteer that has donated their time and skills to the project to date.


AREDN® Responsible Disclosure Policy

The members of the AREDN® team believe in the responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities present in the software. To further the goal of responsible disclosure we request those persons who believe they may have discovered a security vulnerability please contact and work with us to ensure that the vulnerabilities are patched prior to public disclosure.

Furthermore we understand that other organizations may be developing firmware based on the solutions we have published. To that end the AREDN® group has created a security program for such organizations to be informed of discovered vulnerabilities and provide them the ability to secure their offerings prior to the public disclosure of such vulnerabilities. To apply to our security program please contact

AREDN® is a registered trademark of Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network, Inc.

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