Please delete all Nodes containing "N1VTT" from the Mesh Map. A total of seven nodes need to be removed, all collocated currently. I will reload correctly once they have been deleted. I got a little happy with the "Update AREDN..." button.
Thank you,
Set the lat and long to blank.
Re-do 'Upload data to AREDN Server'.
The nodes will need internet access.
73, Chuck
That did not work, but did manage to add another "node" instance.
I even tried "Apply Location Settings" with blank Lat/Long and then "Upload data..." which gave "ERROR: Cannot update online map."
73, Randy
I changed the node names a lot early on. With each update the map dutifully added another node to the display.
Some nodes have moved around too; once there's a clean slate I'll redo the updates.
Mike N3KEV
Each update the map dutifully added a 2nd node to the display
I set my longitude and latitude and grid square to blank and
was displayed.
I now have 2 icons on the map; 1 new (editable, but not removable), one old (uneditable, unremoveable).
The old icon has a different MAC, of which is not found with CLI 'ifconfig' nor 'http://localnode.local.mesh/cgi-bin/'sysinfo'.
Updating/changing firmware version and 'Apply Location Settings' with blank location, updates that information on the map,
but did not remove the node.
Old node information with different MAC remains.
MAC: E4:95:6E:48:53:BF -> Current
MAC: E4:95:6E:49:53:BF -> Old
73, Chuck
Unable to purge the location data. My firmware is, I see yours is on an older [], on which you can still purge the location data.
73... Mike N3KEV