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NanoStation M2 - POE on Secondary Port

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AF6FB's picture
NanoStation M2 - POE on Secondary Port
I have a NanoStation M2 running Is there a way to turn on pass thru POE? I would like to run a second NanoStation by daisy-chaining them.

I found some old notes talking about a setting in the Advanced section, but the only setting I have there is "Advanced Mesh". But, these were on an older version of the firmware.

What am I missing?

Michael AF6FB

AE6XE's picture
Michael,  the POE passthough
Michael,  the POE passthough feature is in the Nightly Build images, which is considered stable.    Along with POE passthough, both ports are used identically and at the same time.   In, the 2nd port is not functional.  

AF6FB's picture
Thank you, I'll give that a
Thank you, I'll give that a try.

Michael AF6FB
K6AH's picture
That's not a released feature
That's not a released feature yet.  You will need to go to the nightly build to use this feature.

Andre, K6AH

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