Hi, I am unsure which firmware to use to update my Nanobridge M3. Can someone direct me to the correct version? Thanks Stan KR6CV
The line "NanoBridge 5G22" is a typo and should be "NanoBridge 3G22". In other words, it's the same as the NanoBridge 2G18 and NanoBridge 5G25. I'll see that it's fixed. Thank you.
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The line "NanoBridge 5G22" is a typo and should be "NanoBridge 3G22". In other words, it's the same as the NanoBridge 2G18 and NanoBridge 5G25. I'll see that it's fixed. Thank you.
The nanobridge M3 has only 1 model with gain of "21.5 - 22.5 dBi". It doesn't have a "22" in the model #.