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Antenna mod for hAP ac2 (RBD52G-5HacD2HnD-TC)

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Antenna mod for hAP ac2 (RBD52G-5HacD2HnD-TC)
Has anyone here done the antenna mod referenced below on the AC2?  I have about 400' to reach the tower node.  Internal antennas will not cut it and the limited (and poor) reviews of the AC3 are not encouraging.

This appears to be the mating connector.

TNX, Robert
Done in past years
A number of years ago Damon K9CQB did some antenna mods on the AR750 and hap ac lite.  He posted his instructions and photos here.  The same thing can probably be accomplished on other types of nodes with internal antennas.
Thanks for the link.

For expediency, lack of warranty issues and enough resources to have a good life (hopefully), I just bought an ac3.  I found a different listing for the same item that had much more favorable reviews.  After some more research and a recent presentation from Orv, the ac3 appears to be a good device for my application.

nc8q's picture
I have about 400' to reach the tower node.
Hi, Robert:
I am way too late to reply, but my choice for
'I have about 400' to reach the tower node.'
would have been an outdoor rated device
with a directional pattern such as a Mikrotik SXTqG.

73, Chuck

Thanks for the response Chuck
I am trying to minimize active devices for potential RFI concerns.  I am an EME operator and have little tolerance for self-induced RFI.  A wireless router combo with outdoor antenna should easily make the link  to the outdoor nodes and eliminate one more active piece of hardware.

73, Robert
K6CCC's picture
hAPac3 is fine
I have been running a hAPac3 for a year or so and it has been flawless.
Thanks for your feedback.
73, Robert
nc8q's picture
A wireless router combo with outdoor antenna
"A wireless router combo with outdoor antenna"

Hi, Robert:

A Mikrotik SXT is a 'wireless router combo with outdoor antenna' when installed outdoors.

AFAIK, commercial rated equipment is better RFI shielded (*) than residential grade Part 15 equipment.
(*) Better at keeping stray RF inside the device from getting out and better at keeping stray RF outside from getting in.

I hope this helps,

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