From web browser or on node via "Firmware update" or "Package management".
Seems there may be recent change to the downloads web server disabling auto-indexes. I see there is a new firmware selector: . That seems to produce downloadable files.
Auto-indexes on the download server was handy. That's too bad if it was decided to disable that.
But as it stands, my nodes are unable to grab the list of updates via the built-in "Refresh" button.
Also, the SSL cert is mismatch. FWIW, I see returns a different IP address than I previously remember.
If I missed a post about this, my apologies... I did search.

Seems there may be recent change to the downloads web server disabling auto-indexes. I see there is a new firmware selector: . That seems to produce downloadable files.
Auto-indexes on the download server was handy. That's too bad if it was decided to disable that.
But as it stands, my nodes are unable to grab the list of updates via the built-in "Refresh" button.
Also, the SSL cert is mismatch. FWIW, I see returns a different IP address than I previously remember.
If I missed a post about this, my apologies... I did search.

... but node still fails:
Looks like missing path.
How do I navigate to reproduce your experience?
IOW, What is the URL of '"Firmware update" and "Package management"' ?
73, Chuck
but I see that "Firmware update" is working now. "Package management" is still not:
I also see that the SSL certificate is valid now.
I attempted to 'Refresh' 'Package Management' on several of my nodes that have internet access:
I updated the powerbeams by uploading the firmware from the browser.
(A note about that.. One powerbeam would not accept the firmware provided by AFS for the PowerBeam M5 300 XW. I needed to feed it the firmware for the Nanostation Loco M XW.)
As for the QEMU device, it is not on the AFS.
I actually sysupgraded a QEMU device yesterday from within the node's admin page. But the above screenshot is the result when trying to do the same (on a different QEMU device) today.