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Overview of New UI

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w6bi's picture
Overview of New UI
In this YouTube video Tim KN6PLV provides a fairly extensive overview of the features of the new AREDN User Interface.


Orv W6BI
AREDN Project Manager
I may be missing something
I may be missing something but are the Execute buttons from the old UI > Advanced Config located somewhere in the new UI?  OLSR Restart, Alert Message Refresh, Alert Message Purge.

When you go into the map of the mesh you need to use the Browser back button to get back to the node UI.  This could just open up in a new window/tab.

New UI looks great.
w6bi's picture
Execute buttons, etc.
Those buttons aren't implemented in the new UI.  The devs want to know how necessary they are.  We'll poll users to determine if they should be implemented or not.
As far as the clicking on the maps goes, a right-mouse-click will bring up a menu with an open to open in a new tab.   Shouldn't that be sufficient?

Orv W6BI
buttons and map
For setting up and testing custom alerts it helps so you don't have to reboot or wait an hour.  I have had to refresh OLSR because the node would not resolve host names even if they were being clicked from the list of nodes and services.  That may have been a bug that has since been fixed.  I mostly noticed it after plugging in a node that has not been online.  The go box node doesn't always stay plugged in.

From a UI standpoint the button you should just be able to click the button or have a button on the map window to bring you back to the node UI window.
Count me in as YES for all
Count me in as YES for all the buttons we now have in the old UI ... ESPECIALLY the three identified by KB10TI.  I'll play around more with maps ... still not displaying on the home page.


Edit ... I don't know the utility of having a tiny piece of the map embedded in the home page.  If I want the map I click the "map of the mesh" icon and I have it, only one click away and full tab page  That seems good enough, I'd save home page space for larger fonts or something more immediately useful.
New UI
I have installed the Waterfall package. I do not see any button to access it as on the old UI. How do I access it on the new UI?

The tunnel clients I have on the old UI have different IP address on the new UI. The result is none of my clients have a tunnel to me.The Wireguard Tunnel does keep the same IP and works weather in the new UI or Old.
ko0ooo's picture
updating hAP ac lite
I updated my radio using the 23 Aug update.   After logging on the main page, I no longer find a table for one to configure local advertised services.   On previous versions, wasn't there such a table in the middle of the screen?    

And there's two system upgrades, one with the typical name, and a second with a V7 suffix.    What's the difference?  I tried both and there's no table for local advertised services on either.  The settings are available using the old UI thou.

Or is my dementia acting up again?   

Richard   ko0ooo
nc8q's picture
Local Services
Hi, Richard:

I don't know much about dementia.
I suffer from lysdexia.
In "a/status", I see 'Local Services'.

73, Chuck

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ko0ooo's picture
Richard    ko0ooo  

Richard    ko0ooo

ko0ooo's picture
version v7
Anyone know the difference between 'SYSUPGRADE' and 'SYSUPGRADE-V7 ?

Richard    ko0ooo

w6bi's picture
Mikrotik V7
The V7 builds are for the very latest Mikrotiks, with their version 7 Bootloader.
Orv W6BI
ko0ooo's picture
Thanks Orv...   

Richard    ko0ooo
nc8q's picture
Old-UI .vs. New-UI
You can switch back and forth between the UIs.
In the new UI a/status screen, you can click the Old UI button to browse your node in the former User Interface.
73, Chuck

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ko0ooo's picture
19 Aug nightly
I reverted back to this nightly ...     clicking in the gray area of the  'Local Services' section brings up the configuration table.

Richard    ko0ooo

Old UI on 20241207 NBuild
I have 4-5 nodes on test to be implemented here in our region in Norway. Trying out some services to see what we can offer to emergency communications.
I struggled a lot to get my hAP lite to work on the DtD port, so happy with nightly build which addressed the issues, and all is working also on the DtD port.

I lost the button to get into Old UI, I struggle with config of Meshchat, I am on latest version. I also can't find how to load the node into the Aredn map, none of the nodes appear.

Understand there is a slack group, and will try to apply :-) 
There is a lot of information in YouTube videos, a bit out dated but basic information is there.

So, can I access old UI from this build?

nc8q's picture
load the node into the Aredn map, none of the nodes appear.
"can't find how to load the node into the Aredn map, none of the nodes appear."

Hi, Frank:

To get your node/network to appear on the 'World Map',
your node/network must be linked with one of the nodes on the 'World Map'.
e.g. If your network is an RF isolated network,
one node will need to (internet) tunnel with a node already being displayed on the 'World Map'.

I hope this helps.
on a previous stable release, I managed. Now my LA9KY-home node is a hAP ac lite, has internet connection.
Earlier on a stable release I had a NanoBeam connected to my ubiquity home network, and when using the button in old UI to "upload the node to Aredn map" it did appear, the rest of my nodes did not but when opening the Mesh to WAN they did. Not recommended but for a test its ok.

so how can I link now, do I really need a tunnel? a tunnel is on my wish list, here in Norway (LA land, not la la land :-) ) Tromsoe has an island of 20some nodes, will connect to them in due time when ready to implement nodes outside. My location is JP65ou-

to inform fellow members in our local group, a map is always interesting..
nc8q's picture
Maps, links, outdoor devices
Hi, Frank:

The former/Legacy map is static.
A node with internet access can update that map with its nodename and location.
This is a permanent data load.
Once on the Legacy may, the data point will never expire unless a new action is taken.
The 'World Map' represents the same information but it is a live map.
It allegedly is updated every 6 hours(*), so it is dynamic and not static.

"do I really need a tunnel?"
Links can be RF, DtD, XLink, or tunnel.
For AREDN devices to 'link', it must be via one of those types.

Outdoor Nodes:
In the near future,
I am hoping to see outdoor nodes linked (via RF, DtD, XLink, or tunnel) in Norway on the 'World Map'.

73, Chuck
(*) I am struggling to get lat/longs updated to counteract the spider-fication of my switch nodes on the World Map.

Hi Chuck,
thank you for attending and information,

so "once on the Legacy map" if changes made like node name or adjusting position, I need to press the button "upload to Map server" ?
As far as I can see, on my Night build the button to get into Old UI is gone, and in the new UI I don't see how to upload.

nc8q's picture
AREDN Map: Current .vs. Legacy
Hi, Frank:

The former/deprecated/Legacy map is static and requires an action at the AREDN node to create/update/delete.
(Requires user intervention.)

The current 'AREDN World Map' is dynamic and actively scans from a specific 'Supernode'...I think.
(Requires a node to be connected to a node already on the map.)
I think the 'World Map' tries to update every 6 hours.

I hope this helps, Chuck

yes that is clear, sorry for the teaspoon requirements :-)

I am now looking into config of one of my hAP's as a Supernode for our region, Tromsoe has come further in building a local network but they will also have to establish a Supernode for the northern region.
When my Supernode is up I would need a tunnel, and will broadcast a request :-)

we may drop the Map subject Chuck, thank you


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