In this YouTube video Tim KN6PLV provides a fairly extensive overview of the features of the new AREDN User Interface.
Orv W6BI
AREDN Project Manager
Orv W6BI
AREDN Project Manager
When you go into the map of the mesh you need to use the Browser back button to get back to the node UI. This could just open up in a new window/tab.
New UI looks great.
As far as the clicking on the maps goes, a right-mouse-click will bring up a menu with an open to open in a new tab. Shouldn't that be sufficient?
Orv W6BI
From a UI standpoint the button you should just be able to click the button or have a button on the map window to bring you back to the node UI window.
Edit ... I don't know the utility of having a tiny piece of the map embedded in the home page. If I want the map I click the "map of the mesh" icon and I have it, only one click away and full tab page That seems good enough, I'd save home page space for larger fonts or something more immediately useful.
The tunnel clients I have on the old UI have different IP address on the new UI. The result is none of my clients have a tunnel to me.The Wireguard Tunnel does keep the same IP and works weather in the new UI or Old.
And there's two system upgrades, one with the typical name, and a second with a V7 suffix. What's the difference? I tried both and there's no table for local advertised services on either. The settings are available using the old UI thou.
Or is my dementia acting up again?
Richard ko0ooo
I don't know much about dementia.
I suffer from lysdexia.
In "a/status", I see 'Local Services'.
73, Chuck
Richard ko0ooo
Richard ko0ooo
Orv W6BI
Richard ko0ooo
You can switch back and forth between the UIs.
In the new UI a/status screen, you can click the Old UI button to browse your node in the former User Interface.
73, Chuck
Richard ko0ooo