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No Connection - hAP AC3 to UBNT Dish

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No Connection - hAP AC3 to UBNT Dish
I am trying to setup last-mile node where a MikroTik hAP ac3 is the central hub with wired LAN, Wireless LAN and a connection to a UBNT dish.

At this point all nodes are in there default configuration except the hAP ac3 where I have configured WiFi as LAN. 

When I connect the UBNT dish to port 5 for dtd the two nodes don't appear to communicate. In the MikroTik I see port 5 five as active. 

Is there additional configuration I am missing?

Is this a supported/recommended configuration? 

Would I be better off reverting back to MikroTik default firmware and having the hAP ac3 function as a flat switch and access point on the UBNT dish LAN network?


w6bi's picture
JP, your configuration is very common among AREDN users - nothing unusual about it.  But just to confirm - you've enabled POE Out on the ac3?  

Orv W6BI
I did have POE enabled but as
I did have POE enabled but as part of troubleshooting I currently have it disabled and I am using an injector.

I am starting to think the issue may be due to the fact that the hAP ac3 doesn't appear to have a mesh interface. With the 2.4Ghz WiFi set to LAN and 5Ghz set to off I am not clear what interface can access the mesh network. When I access the old UI setup the mesh section has the checkbox unchecked. 

w6bi's picture
Nightly build
There have been a number of network issues resolved since the production release.   Suggest trying the latest nightly build to see if it resolves your problem.

Orv W6BI
nc8q's picture
Recently, there seem to be several posts of failed DtD links.
A failed DtD attempt was also mentioned in slack, aredn community, General, by KD0CGN.
Me, too!
My hAP-ac3 failed to DtD connect on its 'DtD configured' port 4.

My hAP-ac3 started linking DtD connections after I also re-configured ports 2 and 3 as DtD.
After that ports 2, 3, 4, and 5 DtD connections were successful.
Maybe a restart or reboot helped. I don't know.

Anyone else seeing this issue?

73, Chuck
I attempted various
I attempted various combinations of adding dtd to other ports (2-4) as well as multiple reboots with no luck.

I reluctantly installed the nightly build and the hAP ac3 is now seeing the UBNT dish on the default dtd port 5. This looks like a bug with the 3.24.10 release for the hAP ac3.

FYI I have also enabled POE passthrough again and it is working with the UBNT dish. 


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