After installation of MeshChat, no entry apears under Mesh Status/ Services.
The function can only be called by "http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/meshchat/"
After installation of MeshChat, no entry apears under Mesh Status/ Services.
The function can only be called by "http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/meshchat/"
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Did you create an advertised service on the Port Forwarding,... page? Here's my MeshChat (running on a RasPi, not the node):
on two other nodes (Rocket M2 and Rocket M5) the entry is available.
Thank you for information. Now it's working well. I didn't read this step in the installation process.
I was confused, because during installation of MeshChat at a Rocket M2 and a Rocket M5, this
entry was created automatically
73 Rolf DL6MCO