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Entry MeshChat under Mesh Status/Services (Rocket M3)

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Entry MeshChat under Mesh Status/Services (Rocket M3)

After installation of MeshChat, no entry apears under Mesh Status/ Services.
The function can only be called by "http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/meshchat/"

K6CCC's picture
Did you create an advertised service?

Did you create an advertised service on the Port Forwarding,... page?  Here's my MeshChat (running on a RasPi, not the node):


MeshChat is installed on the
MeshChat is installed on the Node (Rocket M3). Usually there is link entry on the status page (Mesh Status) under "Services" of the node. I miss this entry on this node.
on two other nodes (Rocket M2 and Rocket M5) the entry is available.
Thank you for information.

Thank you for information. Now it's working well. I didn't read this step in the installation process.
I was confused, because during installation of MeshChat at a Rocket M2 and a Rocket M5, this
entry was created automatically
73 Rolf DL6MCO

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