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x86 dtd not working?

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x86 dtd not working?
I have a Mikrotik hap ac lite, and I have an x86 AREDN installation. I cannot get them to talk to each other when I connect them together. Both are running the latest firmware image.

I suspect no issues with the hap, I can dtd with other devices successfully. I cannot dtd with any other devices from the x86 aredn box.

I have ensured that vlans are setup correctly (2). I am all out of ideas. I am curious if anyone else has gotten device to device to work between an x86 and non-x86 AREDN installation.

As far as I remember, by
As far as I remember, by default the hap ac lite only supports port 5 for DtD. Try this one.
nc8q's picture
I have ensured that vlans are setup correctly (2).
Hi, Adam:
I DtD connected my hap ac lite (Mikrotik RB9652Ui5acD,nc8q-hap2) to my x86 (supernode,nc8q-ohio)
and all appears well.
73, Chuck
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