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x86 dtd not working?

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x86 dtd not working?
I have a Mikrotik hap ac lite, and I have an x86 AREDN installation. I cannot get them to talk to each other when I connect them together. Both are running the latest firmware image.

I suspect no issues with the hap, I can dtd with other devices successfully. I cannot dtd with any other devices from the x86 aredn box.

I have ensured that vlans are setup correctly (2). I am all out of ideas. I am curious if anyone else has gotten device to device to work between an x86 and non-x86 AREDN installation.

As far as I remember, by
As far as I remember, by default the hap ac lite only supports port 5 for DtD. Try this one.
nc8q's picture
I have ensured that vlans are setup correctly (2).
Hi, Adam:
I DtD connected my hap ac lite (Mikrotik RB9652Ui5acD,nc8q-hap2) to my x86 (supernode,nc8q-ohio)
and all appears well.
73, Chuck
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N7CPZ's picture
x86 dtd not working?

I have gotten almost the exact configuration you describe to work. I have an x86 VM connected directly to an hAP AC Lite on port 5.

There is a known issue with the most recent major release ( and DtD with the hAP AC Lite. This seems like the most likely cause of the problem if you followed the configuration steps in from the VM setup wiki:

The DtD issue has been resolved in the last few nightly builds for the Lite. Try updating to that, then check whether the issue is resolved.

If DtD still isn't working after the update, make sure the VM linux bridge has "VLAN aware" enabled.

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