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Support of Ubiquiti Rocket 5AC Lite ?

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HB9HHH's picture
Support of Ubiquiti Rocket 5AC Lite ?
I can't flash (get error) this antenna with
It is not the right model for the firmware ?

w6bi's picture
Rocket R5 ac Lite
It looks correct.  Did you follow the correct procedure?  There's a different one for Ubiquiti -ac devices:

Hope this helps.


Orv W6BI

HB9HHH's picture
Thank you Orv
Thank you very much Orv!

I was able to flash the radio (but it took me almost 2 hours). I was used to Powerbeam M5s, easy to flash with tftpd, I didn't know that it was necessary to do otherwise and also have a precise version of AirOs.

73 from Switzerland!
AC7II's picture
Ubiquiti Rocket R5ac Lite
I have tried to flash the Rocket with the factory download. the tpftd64 software says it took the upload fine but cannot get the Aredn page to come up. I have redone this many times but still don't get it to work. I went in to the Ubiquiti default page and see that it has version 7.03 does it need to have a different version installed to get started?
ko0ooo's picture
when all else fails...
did you read and follow the instructions for installing AREDN firmware on Ubiquiti 802.11ac devices?   These devices don't use TFTP but use SSH and SCP software to initially install AREDN firmware.

airOS version required...   (from the above help file)

But if you see any version other than 8.7.0 you must upload new firmware to the device. 

Richard     ko0ooo
nc8q's picture
Ubiquiti Rocket R5ac Lite
To be sure:

Which Ubiquiti device?
Which factory.bin file?
For what URL or IP address did you look?
From where did you look (computer's IP address)?

73, Chuck
AC7II's picture
Ubiquiti Rocket R5ac Lite
Ubiquiti Rocket R5ac Lite

I tried both loading the file with the the tftp D 64 program and it loaded. But when I came back to my Browser and made my Computer DHCP then typed it just timed out and gave a 404 error.
I tried this several times and got the same results.
Then I went into the CMD terminal and ran the command tftp.exe -i Put C:\tmp\ aredn- 
This took several seconds and then return with no errors. Going back to the DHCP I still go the same results were it timed out with the 404 error.
I have reset the device and loggeg into the R5ac and looked at what the default AirOS firmware was and it was v7.0.3 
So try ing any of the files   that is in the documentation to upgrade or Downgrade they all fail but they are for a different model. I have put in a jpg of the setting page of the Air OS
Image Attachments: 
ko0ooo's picture
Orv's link in post #2 takes you to the specific instructions for installing AREDN firmware on Ubiquiti ac devices.

Richard    ko0ooo
AC7II's picture
Yes as I said I tried that
Yes as I said I tried that and for this device those links to upgrade or down grade to get to the Default firmware does not work on this device. I have tried al 3 of the firmware he has listed they try to load then come back with either a error 6 or Error 7.
ko0ooo's picture
updating airOS version 7.0.3
It appears Ubiquiti has a problem upgrading your current airOS software to the version required for AREDN...    you might ask Ms. Google for additional help.

here's what I've found...

and this...

where s (XC) V7.1-rc firmware

Need to upgrade old Rocket M5AC-PTP

Don't know why do you need a firmware that old, but I found it here:


It's a required intermediate step when upgrading older XC radios that originally shipped with v7 firmware.

Richard    ko0ooo
AC7II's picture
Thanks that let me upgrade to
Thanks that let me upgrade to 7.1 and now I am upgrading to 8.7.0 


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