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Adding additional hardware Support LDF-5acD

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Adding additional hardware Support LDF-5acD

I made a mistake and ordered a Lite Dish Feed 5 (LDF-5acD) not supported,  as opposed to a Lite Dish Feed 5 (LDF-5nD) which is supported. 
I have been told that the 5acD is on the list  for support, I was just wondering when  the 5acD support may become available.

Flashing the LDF5acD --- Not---

 I tried perhaps 10 times with various values to  get the 5acD to Flash, before I was told that it is a unsupported device.  I know that it is only $55 but still I hope the community  will add this to the supported list, so that it does not become a paperweight...

w6bi's picture
ac equipment
When OpenWrt officially supports the -ac line of equipment, AREDN will begin porting their code to it.   It's late, but pretty much everything is these days...
AE6XE's picture
AREDN support for 802.11ac
The wireless driver support in the open source community has not to date supported 10MHz and 5MHz channel widths for the ath10k 802.11ac wireless linux driver.   There was a commercial entity that paid for this feature and a Development team adding this feature would only license ($$$) to interested parties.   This state was communicated to end in Oct 2021, at which time the features were to be pushed to the open source community and freely available.   Hopefully, we will see this update very soon and have the features available to roll into AREDN firmware.

w6bi's picture
Just out of curiosity, what was $$$$?

Orv W6BI
AE6XE's picture
We declined to proceed to
We declined to proceed to negotiate any terms given the period of time these features could be deployed to the AREDN community and Oct 2021 would have only been 6 to 8 months.  Thus, could only speculate on the pricing.  Also, the wireless chips now have firmware loaded at the device's boot time, which is proprietary code.  The only open source we see is at the linux driver level above the wireless chip.   There are a few groups with qualcomm NDAs and ability to modify the chip's firmware image out there, that we are dependent upon.  802.11ac support has more constraints in the open source community.   

The good news is I've already tested and confirmed the AREDN extended channels are working.   Still to be resolved; there's no link rate selection table,  There are a few dependencies, e.g.mesh status neighbor link rates, to find another way to obtain the same information.   Once the 5 and 10MHz channel width feature is available, can bring everything together to roll into AREDN firmware, to start supporting 802.11ac devices.

MikroTek nodes listed in nightly
For those MikroTek nodes in the nightly build, AREDN setup page shows 5 Mhz option.  Can a site  to site (P2P) with these nodes work with 5Mhz?  I keep scanning a dude on channel 140 at 10 Mhz as a AP (commercial used channel?) and he's somewhat strong. Just wondered if his signal is affecting my connections throughtput and if the site I want to P2P with on my node was set to 5Mhz with the P2P station I am connected with at 10 Mhz right now? Of course the other site would have to be 5 Mhz as well.  I Hope the question is not too dumb to ask?
nc8q's picture
channel 140 at 10 Mhz

You did not mention your channel.

Sorry,, any channel from 168
Sorry,, any channel from 168 to 175.
nc8q's picture
Signal affecting my connections.

Hi, Greg:
 I see no reason that a signal on channel 140 at 10 MHz bandwidth
would affect a station or stations utilizing channels 165-184 at 10 MHz bandwidth,
nor channel 165-184 at 5 MHz bandwidth.

 I have operated stations on adjacent, but not overlapping, channels at the same site without measurable interference.
You should only need to avoid overlapping channels.

At the same site, I am using
132/20 28 dBm
140/20 10 dBm at 13.5 miles, yields 40 TxMbps at 10 milliWatts each end, so, likely, no interference.
145/20 28 dBm
169/10 28 dBm
173/10 28 dBm

Target link is -20 and -13 dB below adjacent channel station.
What is the difference between your target and your adjacent station(s)?

I hope this helps,


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