I made a mistake and ordered a Lite Dish Feed 5 (LDF-5acD) not supported, as opposed to a Lite Dish Feed 5 (LDF-5nD) which is supported.
I have been told that the 5acD is on the list for support, I was just wondering when the 5acD support may become available.
I tried perhaps 10 times with various values to get the 5acD to Flash, before I was told that it is a unsupported device. I know that it is only $55 but still I hope the community will add this to the supported list, so that it does not become a paperweight...
Orv W6BI
The good news is I've already tested and confirmed the AREDN extended channels are working. Still to be resolved; there's no link rate selection table, There are a few dependencies, e.g.mesh status neighbor link rates, to find another way to obtain the same information. Once the 5 and 10MHz channel width feature is available, can bring everything together to roll into AREDN firmware, to start supporting 802.11ac devices.
You did not mention your channel.
Hi, Greg:
I see no reason that a signal on channel 140 at 10 MHz bandwidth
would affect a station or stations utilizing channels 165-184 at 10 MHz bandwidth,
nor channel 165-184 at 5 MHz bandwidth.
I have operated stations on adjacent, but not overlapping, channels at the same site without measurable interference.
You should only need to avoid overlapping channels.
At the same site, I am using
132/20 28 dBm
140/20 10 dBm at 13.5 miles, yields 40 TxMbps at 10 milliWatts each end, so, likely, no interference.
145/20 28 dBm
169/10 28 dBm
173/10 28 dBm
Target link is -20 and -13 dB below adjacent channel station.
What is the difference between your target and your adjacent station(s)?
I hope this helps,