since my 2 primary switches don't vLan,
I think my only option to change the LAN on the powerbeam dhcp so it doesn't interfere with the main dhcp scope.
and match the ip segment i currently have.
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You might want to tell us what you are trying to accomplish. What is connected to what?
If I read between the lines, you want your AREDN node to operate as a DHCP server on the same LAN segment as your existing "main dhcp scope" (which I assume is coming from your main router). If I read that correctly, that will not work well. Having two DHCP servers on the same LAN segment will result in some devices getting an IP from one DHCP server and other devices getting an IP from the other DHCP server. You have no control over which DHCP server IP range any particular device will get when it requests a DHCP address. Since presumably the gateway will be different (one being the main router and the other being the AREDN node) some devices will be able to reach AREDN devices and some will be able to access the Internet.
You can still provide one or more services/servers to your local AREDN network via 'Advertised Services'.