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Unifi P M5-400

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KJ7ITZ's picture
Unifi P M5-400

since my 2 primary switches don't vLan,
I think my only option to change the LAN on the powerbeam dhcp so it doesn't interfere with the main dhcp scope.
and match the ip segment i currently have.


K6CCC's picture
You might want to tell us

You might want to tell us what you are trying to accomplish.  What is connected to what?
If I read between the lines, you want your AREDN node to operate as a DHCP server on the same LAN segment as your existing "main dhcp scope" (which I assume is coming from your main router).  If I read that correctly, that will not work well.  Having two DHCP servers on the same LAN segment will result in some devices getting an IP from one DHCP server and other devices getting an IP from the other DHCP server.  You have no control over which DHCP server IP range any particular device will get when it requests a DHCP address.  Since presumably the gateway will be different (one being the main router and the other being the AREDN node) some devices will be able to reach AREDN devices and some will be able to access the Internet.


KJ7ITZ's picture
more info
Wifi address / 8 LAN address / 29 WAN address none default gateway none SSID AREDN-10-v3 Channel 177 Bandwidth 10 Mhz I can not get the M5 to get a WAN dhcp address. The network is with dhcp starting at 100. Setting static on 172 wont work for the M5. I do have a toughswitch but there is only one feed from the shack/work office and 16port Unifi inside doesn't have vLan capability. I am not sure if I can be a valuable mesh member. KJ7ITZ
nc8q's picture
I am not sure if I can be a valuable mesh member.
I do not understand how a lack of a WAN (or internet) address hinders the value of an AREDN network node.
You can still provide one or more services/servers to your local AREDN network via 'Advertised Services'.

K6CCC's picture
Assuming that the M5-400 is a
Assuming that the M5-400 is a single port device (not familiar with it), without a VLAN aware network switch you don't have any access to the WAN interface because it is VLAN 1.  You MAY be able to DtD multiple AREDN nodes through your non-VLAN aware switch however.  Some dumb switches will pass VLAN tagged traffic un-altered, and some dumb switches will mess up the VLAN tagging enough that it no longer works.
KJ7ITZ's picture
You confirmed what I knew.

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