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Andre Hansen, K6AH wrote an article, published in the June 2017 edition of QST, offering a thorough discussion of a high-speed multimedia network for public service applications..
We present the full article here, which was reprinted with permission from the June 2017 issue of QST, a publication of the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®
AREDN encourages users to load ( click Release Candidates) and test version and report any issues to the Forum.
These notes accompany our Release Candidate-1 and describe changes since our last major production release, v3.16.1.0.
Added support for additional Ubiquiti devices which are now flagged as “In testing”:
Added support for newer TP-Link device revisions:
CPE210 v1.1
Don Rotolo, N2IRZ wrote an article, published in the January 2017 edition of CQ Magazine, updating readers on the world of mesh networking.
We present the full article here, which was reprinted with permission from the January 2017 issue of CQ magazine, copyright CQ Communications, Inc.
Thinking of buying new AREDN mesh gear? You can now support the project with your Amazon purchases.
Amazon Smile
Jason KC5HWB continues to produce a great series of ham radio videos on YouTube. In Episode 159, Jason interviews Joe AE6XE and Darryl K5DLQ from the AREDN development team. They describe the many improvements in the latest AREDN release version and talk about the development process. They discuss the expanded list of supported devices which now includes the newer Ubiquiti AIrMax models and several units from Mikrotik.Joe and Darryl tell the viewers about our plans to provide a Raspberry Pi firmware installer which is being developed by K6RUN.
Subscribe to Jason's YouTube channel and visit his website HamRadio2.0 Live from the Hamshack.
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