A group of amateur radio operators in South Africa known as the the Mossel Bay Mesh Network responded to a call for emergency communications assistance in the recent fire disaster in the Western Cape area.
After the fires began on 7 June, a call went out for amateur radio assistance on 8 June when cell phone, landline and Internet services were lost.Hams responding to the call include: ZS2I, ZS1Q, ZS1ZS, ZS1HB, ZR1AOC and ZS1I. These radio amateurs worked around the clock to assist their local communities. Johan Terblanche, ZS1I, an administrator of the AREDN Mossel Bay Mesh Network reports that disaster communication links remained active until normal telecommunication service was restored on June 11, while the local hams remain on high alert.
It has been reported that the widespread fire caused a number of fatalities, destroyed over 430 structures and displaced thousands of people. The disaster relief efforts are continuing.
The Mossel Bay Mesh Network has posted videos and still photographs of the fire on their web site.
Reported by Southgate Amateur Radio News and the ARRL.
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