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New AREDN Ambassador

Please welcome our newest AREDN Ambassador, Bill KM6SLF.
Bill's Bio
Updated date: Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 12:53

Changes at the AREDN Website

The AREDN website has recently been freshened behind the scenes!

  • There's a new download server.  It's faster and now supports https and rsync 

  • The AREDN legacy map has been supplemented with a new interactive map called the AREDN World Map..   Since it's aware of the supernode network, you can zoom into any area on the map that has a supernode.*

    Features of the World Map:

  • If you click on one of the colored node icons in the upper-right hand corner, you select only those nodes on the map.  For example, if you click on the supernodes icon, you'll see only the supernode network.

  • If you click on a node's icon, you'll get a pop-up window containing all that node's vital data.

  • If you click on a tunnel, you'll get a pop-up window listing the node at each end of the link, the distance between the nodes, and what type of link it is.

  • In the upper-left hand corner is a menu containing:

    • topology - several map background choices

    • data - download database, available in several formats

    • channel - selectively shown any channel

    • phone - a map designed for a handheld device

    • find - will...

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Updated date: Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 17:22

AREDN Release 

AREDN production software version is now available, with many new features and enhancements.   The AREDN team would like to thank those individuals who contributed to this release:

Tim KN6PLV; Paul K3PGM; Darryl, K5DLQ; Gerard WT0F; Jacob, KI5VMF; Bailey KK6ORT; Steve AB7PA

Go forth and upgrade - your network will thank you!

Updated date: Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 08:38

Release Candidate April 2024

AREDN nightly build 20240417 has been designated as the release candidate for the next production release.   If you haven't tried a nightly build recently, we encourage you to do so.  There's a ton of enhancement and updates.  They've all been tested, but having more people use them helps any subtle issues that might be remaining be uncovered.  Here's a list of the many changes since the last production release:


  • Wireguard tunnels

  • Configurable DHCP options

  • Antenna information

  • Watchdog support

  • Remote logging

New Device Support

  • Mikrotik mANTbox 2 12s

  • GL.iNet E750 

  • GL.iNet GL-B1300

  • GL.iNet GL-MT1300

  • GL.iNet AR300M NAND

  • Ubiquiti Litebeam 5AC LR

  • Ubiquiti Nanobeam 2AC

  • Unraid

  • VMWare ESXi


  • AREDN will be incompatible...

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Updated date: Thursday, April 18, 2024 - 10:19



19.07 Release Status Update

The upcoming release of many new devices, bug fixes, and capabilities still has a few issues being worked out:

1) The OpenWRT release that AREDN is based on, recently published another release candidate rc2, and there is a rc3 in the pipeline. This means we are still days/weeks away to see the OpenWRT official release.
2) There are 2 identified issues so far on Rocket M5 XW and Nanostation M5 XW devices still being worked.
3) Many models do not yet have any know testing to confirm all is working.

How can you help?   Check the status here:

If you have a device that has not yet been tested, please down load the image and give a try here:


Call for Code 2019 Global Winner Announced

Prometeo was announced the Call for Code 2019 Global Winner on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at the award ceremony held in New York City. After intense judging from IBM, the David Clark Cause, the United Nations Human Rights Office, the American Red Cross, and other subject matter experts in the first round, the eminent judges ranked the five finalist teams and selected Prometeo as the winning solution.

Prometeo not only wins the 200,000 USD grand prize, but open source project support from The Linux Foundation, meetings with investors and mentors, and solution implementation support through IBM's Code and Response initiative. The team also won the People's Choice award on October 4, where thousands of voters chose Prometeo as their favorite solution.

In his 33-year career as a firefighter, Joan Herrera has battled thousands of wildland fires and suffered the headaches and breathing problems that...

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