AREDN production software version is now available, with many new features and enhancements. Besides a fix for an RF link issue that snuck past beta testing release, this release contains these fixes and enhancements:
Added MTR support via installable package (mtr-nojson).
Improved iPerf3 service to provide data line by line rather than at the end.
Now use the closest supernode rather than first discovered supernode.
Made LQM+OLSRD improvements where weak connections are detected.
Now detect "leaf" nodes and prevent them being blocked.
New Device Support
Antenna: Mikrotik 30 dBi 5° Dish
Antenna: airMAX 2.4 GHz, 24 dBi 6.6° RocketDish
Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 26 dBi 7° RocketDish
Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 18 dBi, 120° Sector
Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 12 dBi Omni
Antenna: airMAX 5 GHz, 30 dBi 5.8° RocketDish Light Weight
Antenna: Mikrotik 15 dBi 120° Sector
Antenna: Mikrotik 19 dBi 120° Sector
Antenna: Mikrotik 30 dBi 5° Dish (PA)
Fixes and Improvements
Added service validation state to support data.
Now name xlink configs.
Fixed missing file error when retrieving messages.
Simplified olsrd watchdog.
Fixed bug requiring reboot when updating tunnels.
Now ignore badly formatted service definitions.
Updated AREDN® registration marks.
Now count Wireguard tunnels in sysinfo.json reporting.
Fixed NAT mode: Allow NAT traffic to LAN from all interfaces (WAN, RF, DTD, TUN, WG and XLink).
Moved to standard OpenWRT firewall configuration rather than custom rules.
Now force DHCP server active even when other servers detected (restore OpenWRT 22.03 behavior).
Fixed check-services bug when all services fail.
Fixed manager.lua busy wait bug.
Fixed hostname alias pattern to allow dns delegation.
Now use more reliable system ip-to-hostname lookup rather than hand-rolled version.
Fixed status page info for 900MHz devices.
Moved all logging into syslog so it can be logged remotely.
Changed web, telnet and ssh WAN settings without reboot.
There remain problems with the TP-Link CPE710.
GL.iNet GL-B1300 does not support negative channels on the 2.4 GHz band.
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