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Nightly Build Update 01 December 2024

Now that we’re about halfway to the next production release, here’s an update on where the AREDN software is at. Since the last production release there have been almost 100 changes to the AREDN codebase. There are improvements both to the new UI and the backend processes, some small and some significant. Here are the changes that may be of interest. Note that the old UI has been deprecated and removed from the code.
Testing Highlights
Testing of these features would be very welcome:
  • Mobile UI. The AREDN UI is finally mobile friendly. But the developers only have a few phones, so more testing or more different phones would be a great help.
  • Backup & Restore. You can now backup and restore device configurations.
  • LAN NAT & 44NET modes. You can now use ARDC's 44net subnets as a device’s LAN addresses. We’ve also improved LAN NAT to support larger address ranges.
  • New Mikrotik AC device firmware. The radio firmware for Mikrotik firmware has been updated. As this is a binary blob we don't have good visibility into how well it works in real world...
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Updated date: Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 17:37

AREDN Production Release is now available.


The biggest change in this release if you haven't been keeping tabs on AREDN, is the "new UI". The User Interface or UI is how data is presented to a person. The old UI, written in LUA not only looked old, it was hampering the implementation of new features.  Now written in JavaScript, among other things it's more economical on bandwidth used to display the user interface.  It's also much easier to add new features. The new UI has taken 6 months and the work of many, many people. We’d like to thank everyone involved with developing, documenting, and especially debugging this; we really appreciate our community!

Because it's new, navigating around it may initially be a challenge. Steve, AB7PA, keeper of the AREDN docs, has done a stellar job in documenting the new UI. It's highly recommended you at least skim them, here: Within the new UI you will also find a Help button for every dialog. Please press it and read the inline help at least once. Finally, we recorded a walk through of the new UI which you can find here: (note that there have been a few minor changes since we did this).

After upgrading, you may be returned to the old...

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Updated date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 12:38

New User Interface in Development

Coming to an AREDN nightly build near you soon - a shiny new UI :-)
This YouTube overview by Tim KN6PLV explains why the AREDN devs decided a new UI was needed for the AREDN software.  Tim goes into the reasons why, then does a deep dive into every corner the new UI.  Folks who have seen it like it a lot.   Check it out!
Steve AB7PA has provided a preview of the documentation for the new UI here:  This will eventually become available under after the new UI appears in the Nightly Build. ​

Updated date: Friday, August 16, 2024 - 12:34


New AREDN Production Release Available

AREDN production software version is now available, with many new features and enhancements.   Besides a fix for an RF link issue that snuck past beta testing release, this release contains these fixes and enhancements:


  • Added MTR support via installable package (mtr-nojson).

  • Improved iPerf3 service to provide data line by line rather than at the end.

  • Now use the closest supernode rather than first discovered supernode.

  • Made LQM+OLSRD improvements where weak connections are detected.

  • Now detect "leaf" nodes and prevent them being blocked.


New Device Support

  • Antenna: Mikrotik 30 dBi 5° Dish

  • Antenna: airMAX 2.4 GHz, 24 dBi 6.6° RocketDish

  • Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 26 dBi 7° RocketDish

  • Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 18 dBi, 120° Sector

  • Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 12 dBi Omni

  • Antenna: airMAX 5 GHz, 30 dBi 5.8° RocketDish Light Weight

  • ...
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Updated date: Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 19:28



AREDN Radio Selection

Steve KC0EUW produced a short video to help you select the right AREDN mesh radio for your needs. He explains the use of the Supported Platform Matrix to verify the types of suitable devices. Steve then walks you through the types of operational situations you may encounter. He completes the selection process by using the Device Selection Spreadsheet created by Andre K6AH to make well-informed choices about radios that meet your requirements.

You can view Steve's video here.

Yuma Hamfest 2020 AREDN Update

Andre Hansen K6AH presented an update on the status of the AREDN Project at the Yuma Hamfest on Saturday, February 15, 2020 

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