AREDN Production Release is now available for download. Here's an overview of the fixes and enhancements in this release. All of these changes have been thoroughly tested through via the nightly builds and our intrepid band of testers!
New Mobile UI
Ability to backup and restore node configurations
Responsive design for desktop UI on smaller screens
Improved logged-out experience to provide more information
Improved WiFi Signal tool which shows SNR at both ends of link
Added support for ARDC’s 44-Net
Upgraded to the latest OpenWRT release: 24.10
By default LAN devices are no longer permitted to access the Internet over the mesh. This can be re-enabled if required.
The old UI is no longer available.
We recommend the High Contrast theme when using the mobile UI outside.
Added more USB controller modules #1878
Added usbutils loadable package #1875
Improved firewalling of LAN #1862
Made further improvements to LAN to WAN firewalling. #1863
Enabled 44NET LAN configurations #1548
Enabled kmod-eeprom-at24 package #1529
Made watchdog improvements #1322
Report IP Address at the end of command line setup. #1861
Now allow local NTP server to run as a service for LAN devices #1865
Now allow ping and traceroute to auto select the best interface #1856
Animated the commit message like the scan message #1839
Added rpcapd loadable package to aid remote node monitoring #1838
Added disconnect reporting #1831
Throttle dnsmasq restarts when names change #1826
Improved messaging in various parts of the network setup #1817
Attempt to guess PC hardware and better support unknown hardware (for VMs). #1816
Include main IP address in HNA4 records #1814
Dnsmasq performance improvements. #1813
QEMU User Agent available as a module for x86 build #1798
Improved mesh device and service counts #1796
Moved the LAN DHCP enable/disable option into the LAN DHCP panel #1788
Improved tunnel "email" messaging #1773
Support forcing DHCP options without a specific tag #1769
Open a new tab for help and website menu links #1760
Improvements to the wifi watchdog #1757
Added a basic syslog tool #1744
Supernodes now support 44net by default #1753
Now provide 44net route override #1703
Added rapid-commit (dhcp) option #1733
Added command line tool to generate support data #1695
Added command line backup util #1729
Sped up commits #1721
Added DHCP option validation #1718
Now support DHCP options without values #1735
Gave high contrast theme wider dialogs (now we support that) #1716
Now support non-admin neighbor info in mobile view. #1714
Improved help for mobile wifi signal tool. #1693
Improved display of blocked neighbors #1709
Provide proxy and redirect for problematic services #1699
Now allow scanning of non-mesh and multiple wifi devices #1578
Made tunnel server name optional if you have no server tunnels #1688
Now support pasting lat,lon coordinates into either lat or lon map field #1687
Now support Y.X style radio heights #1673
Now filter the LAN name from node hosts #1669
Added pseudo services for Local Devices #1665
Now allow packages to be removed on low memory nodes. #1684
Improved detection and display of services and devices #1683
Improved which local devices and service we show when logged out or logged in. #1682
Provide UI for the wifi watchdog system. #1655
Improved tunnel messaging #1648
Added topology info to sysinfo.json #1637
Improved startup of LQM so we get some information early #1632
Split the Wifi Signal gauge to show the local and remote signal information #1602 #1628
Improved detection of disconnected nodes #1617
Periodically sync time if continuous NTPD is unsynchronized #1611
Now include cookies when testing services. #1600
Improved antenna settings messaging #1605
Added VHT support (experimental) #1630
Decimate the neighbor graph data so we can show more history #1598
Added capability to backup and restore node configurations #1597
Added secondary NTP server option #1583
Fix tx/rx bitrate reporting which was 1/2 what it should be. #1882
Improve api performance when reading radio info. #1881
Added fix to br-nomesh which can be created in a partially working state #1844
We no longer allow access to port 9090 from the mesh. (It crashes OLSRD) #1879
Added lockdown and monitor for OLSR #1852
Reapplied older patch for Rocket 5AC Lite #1872
Improved setup migrations #1834
Restart LQM when tunnel configuration changes. #1832
Don't display supernode route count (supernodes don't calculate this) #1825
Increased dnsmasq cache sizes for supernodes to avoid memory corruption #1811
Bumped restart timeouts so dnsmasq will respawn if it crashes. #1810
Fixed corner case when setting up node's initial Addresses #1804
Fixed display problem when arp contains bad entries #1802
Fixed resource caching in browser memory #1795
Don't refocus the mesh page when we refresh so page doesn't jump to the top #1794
Fixed layout of LAN type so it looks the same on all browsers #1866
Made sure we hide any overflowed nav controls #1780
Fixed port forward layout #1775
Now force wifi lan/wan password to be at least 8 characters #1767
Fixed the source Addresses for pings and traces #1765
Fixed port forward wrapping #1758
Fixed an unresponsiveness when network changes #1740
Made 3 column layout responsive if browser is narrow #1741
Made more fixes and improvements to DHCP option validation #1736
Fixed creating new first reservation #1734
Fixed DHCP option input field number styling #1731
Made fixes and tweaks for DHCP option in-browser validation #1730
Fixed the assumption that the DHCP range always starts at an offset of 2. #1726
Added localnode back into port forwarding UI #1706
Made various bug fixes for alt networks and larger dhcp ranges #1652
Made fixes for blank variables breaking upgrades #1654
Fixed DMZ DHCP values #1664
Fixed migration of services on nodes without any services #1660
Now allow ":" in service names #1638
Fixed firewall restart when lan-to-wan changed #1606
Now redirect localnode to actual hostname (better logged-in behavior) #1599
Only show TODOs to admin #1595
Mark devices supported in previous releases, but not in the current one. #1748
Refine PUT/POST locking. #1742
Tweak node detection keepalive #1713
Refine htmx activation mechanism #1712
Make sure we don't lose the compat_version #1697
Supported Devices List Edits (UBNT 5AC)-Issue #1674 #1675
Remove setting old dmz value #1657
Mark bandwidths invalid on various devices (rather than marking what is valid) #1639
Make sure to silence the wifi signal on the way out #1623
Work around HTMX bug where downloading files doesn't stop the logo spinning #1622
Remove special casing for /a/authenticate page #1619
Fix missing validation for single hx-put input fields #1618
Block PUT, POST, DELETE unless logged in or firstboot. #1582
Added user agents (containing firmware version info) to package and firmware updates #1593
5 MHz bandwidths are not supported on any 802.11ac devices
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