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Announcing the Availability of Release Candidate #1 of Our Upcoming v3.17.1.0

AREDN encourages users to load ( click Release Candidates) and test version and report any issues to the Forum.

​Release Notes 3.17.1.RC1

These notes accompany our Release Candidate-1 and describe changes since our last major production release, v3.16.1.0.

New Device Support

Added support for additional Ubiquiti devices which are now flagged as “In testing”:

  • AirGrid M5 (XW)
  • NanoBeam M5-16 (XW)
  • NanoBeam M5-19 (XW)
  • NanoStation Loco M5 (XW)
  • NanoStation M5 (XW) (in
  • Rocket M5 (XW)
  • Rocket M5 (with GPS)
  • PowerBeam M2-400​
  • PowerBeam M5-300​
  • ​PowerBeam M5-400
  • Added support for newer TP-Link device revisions:

    • CPE210 v1.1

Security Fixes

  • SCS-2017-001 – High Severity
    • A remote Denial of Service flaw impacting ALL RELEASES of the AREDN/BBHN branded firmware since at least version 0.4.3. Immediate upgrade to (or newer) is recommended to ensure stability of the mesh nodes....
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Updated date: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 - 21:57

CQ Magazine Article - Mesh Networking and AREDN

Don Rotolo, N2IRZ wrote an article, published in the January 2017 edition of CQ Magazine, updating readers on the world of mesh networking.

​We present the full article here, which was reprinted with permission from the January 2017 issue of CQ magazine, copyright CQ Communications, Inc.

Updated date: Thursday, August 2, 2018 - 21:47


Development Code Branch Now Available

Last year AREDN moved away from a formal set of beta test scripts and dedicated testers to a more agile beta general-release model.  Users were eager to get their hands on features they requested months earlier and help us test in preparation for a production release.   While we have been happy with the results, we have noticed that features that take a long time to develop only see the light of day months after development.  We have no easy way to learn from them before beta release.  Today, this is changing.
We are going to give anyone who wants it, access to the AREDN development branch builds, which includes the latest features we are developing… even before we are done with them!
We have been criticized by some for putting out too many releases.  Our philosophy, which does differ from some other organizations, is very much aligned to the vast majority of open source projects in the industry.  We are completely committed to following this successful model. It is an approach that is more suitable to our nature characterized by: dynamic requirements, a small number of developers, a culture that readily responds to change, and a user community of hams comprised of a highly technical subset who are mature enough to distinguish bleeding-edge from production-ready software.
AREDN uses a continuous integration build server (CircleCI)...
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Updated date: Sunday, July 24, 2022 - 20:39


HTML Map Contest

Hi AREDN Meshers!

The AREDN Team is looking for a few good men (and ladies)!  The new mapping feature that is in needs your help.
As some of you have seen, we have a good, workable KML map file.  We would like to hold a contest to use that KML to create the best HTML based map that we can host on the website.

To create an HTML embedded map that utilizes the AREDN kml files that can be hosted on

Front-end web development: Javascript, CSS, etc.


Your map should include (at minimum) the following (optional) query string parameters:

  • z=(...
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Updated date: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 22:42



Improved Capability on XW Device Ports


Full functionality of both ports on Nanostation M2 and M5 XW units is now available.

Joe AE6XE found a way to remove the limitations noted in the forum thread.   Both Ethernet ports on the Nanostation M2/M5 devices are now configured and working without limitations.  This code will be available after tonight's build on Nov 22, 2018.  Text included in the AREDN GitHub README:

The following devices have enhanced Ethernet port usage.

  • NanoStation M5 XW
  • NanoStation M2 XW

A single CAT5 cable to the device could be plugged into ether the 'main' or 'secondary' port with standard port functionality. Both ports can be used interchangeably and simultaneously with LAN devices on both ports at the same time. POE PassThough can be turned on in Advanced Settings to power IP cameras or other mesh nodes. It is passive' POE, which means whatever voltage you supply the M5 XW with, that voltage is passed though to the secondary port and device.  It could be between...

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California Hams Provide Fire Videos

Local amateur radio operators are responding to the recent and ongoing fires in California in many ways. Several of these hams have built a high-speed multimedia AREDN mesh network which was used to deliver live streaming video of the fires in progress.

In Ventura County, Orv Breach W6BI, Paul Straus WD6EBY and Ben Kuo AI6YR installed high-definition cameras in their portion of the growing Southern California AREDN network. They were able to figure out how to send to live video stream across the mesh network to then Internet and finally to YouTube for public access.

Ben AI6YR reports that their mesh network stayed operational even when the Spectrum cable, Internet access and phone system went down across the region. People were able to use the mesh network to keep updated on emergency information.

The start of the “Woolsey Fire” from Simi Valley, courtesy of Orv W6BI and the Pleasant Valley Amateur Radio Club

The fire in Santa Paula, California (Briggs...

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