Full functionality of both ports on Nanostation M2 and M5 XW units is now available.
Joe AE6XE found a way to remove the limitations noted in the forum thread. Both Ethernet ports on the Nanostation M2/M5 devices are now configured and working without limitations. This code will be available after tonight's build on Nov 22, 2018. Text included in the AREDN GitHub README:
The following devices have enhanced Ethernet port usage.
A single CAT5 cable to the device could be plugged into ether the 'main' or 'secondary' port with standard port functionality. Both ports can be used interchangeably and simultaneously with LAN devices on both ports at the same time. POE PassThough can be turned on in Advanced Settings to power IP cameras or other mesh nodes. It is passive' POE, which means whatever voltage you supply the M5 XW with, that voltage is passed though to the secondary port and device. It could be between about 10.8v min to 24 VDC maximum. Don't smoke an IP camera that only takes 12 VDC by feeding it 24 VDC.
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