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AREDN production release  is now available

The AREDN development team has shifted into high gear with this third release of 2022!  This production release adds the many fixes and enhancements made since


  • Dealt with LAN on AR300M always having the same MAC address.
  • Fixed default DHCP limits in NAT mode if fields are blank.
  • Fixed a "do not propagate" issue when reserving DHCP names.
  • Fixed tactical names.
  • Fully validate node and tactical names; give better messages when invalid.
  • Prevent < and > from being used in service names.
  • Correct map update claiming success when it actually fails.
  • Added device definition for Ubiquiti PBE M5 300-ISO.
  • Some Ubiquiti Powerbeams: keep 100MB as the only port speed, but let the port auto-negotiate with the switch to fix throughput issues.
  • Fixed display of unknown radio models.


  • Added a service alert icon.
  • Adjusted the Administration page display. (advanced WAN moved to AdvConfig page)
  • Added changeable WAN VLAN support to the Mikrotik hAP and AR300M.
  • Allowed display of longer filenames (wider field).
  • Now run an hourly check on published service and “unpublish” any which aren’t really available.  Re-enabled services will be...
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Updated date: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 - 16:53

AREDN production release  is now available

AREDN production release is now available.  This is the release you've been looking for :-)

Since the last production release, there have been 136 separate ‘pull requests’ in the AREDN github repository.   Those requests pulled these significant improvements and new features into the AREDN software:
1. The conversion from Perl programming to Lua is complete - the result is a significantly smaller, somewhat faster, code base.

2. Due to the recovered space in the image, tunnels are now always installed, so nothing needs to be done with them during future upgrades.

3. After this upgrade, future upgrades should be much more reliable, especially on low memory devices.

4. Tunnels will be prevented from accidentally connecting over the mesh.

Tunnels normally connect via the WAN interface, that being the point of the things. However, if the WAN interface on a node goes down for some reason (the tunnel server/client Internet fails) the node will select a new way to talk to the Internet by first routing over the Mesh. When this happens, tunnels could end up being routed partially over the mesh, which is bad because tunnels are also part of the mesh. So, we now prevent this by default by adding a firewall rule.

5. You can now adjust the poll rate for alerts....

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Updated date: Sunday, June 12, 2022 - 22:21

Link Quality Manager (LQM)


Thanks to recent developments by Tim KN6PLV, we are introducing a new tool to help manage AREDN networks.

Nightly Build 1265 contains a number of improvements broadly called Link Quality Management. It’s designed to make the AREDN network more stable and improve the available bandwidth. Tests with these changes have shown improvements from modest to close to 200% in link throughput, tested end to end with iperf3.

Documentation is here

Updated date: Thursday, May 19, 2022 - 14:08

Nightly Build Reminder

The AREDN team greatly appreciates all of the testing of the nightly builds as they roll out and introduce the new code base and features. We are paying close attention to your reports of successes and problems found.

Just as a reminder:
IMPORTANT NOTE:  While AREDN encourages you to download, install and test the nightly builds and report any issues found,  DO NOT install them in any node that doesn’t have easy access (e.g., towers, water tanks or mountain tops).  By definition nightly builds are not to be considered production grade software.

Updated date: Friday, March 11, 2022 - 10:05



AREDN endorses Battlemesh v12

AREDN supports this year’s “Wireless Battle of the Mesh – Building Community Networks for Fun and Non-Profit”.

AREDN software uses OLSRv1 protocol for managing IP routing.   The AREDN development team closely watches the improvements made by participants in the Battlemesh events. We plan to use these enhancements in future AREDN releases as the mobile adhoc mesh routing protocols evolve.

This year’s Battlemesh event will take place in Saint-Denis (Paris), France from Monday to Sunday, July 8 through July 14, 2019. The location is at a 5 to10 minute  walk from the Saint-Denis railway station on the Train H (faster) or RER D, both easily accessible from the center of Paris. Make sure to buy a ticket for zone 3. The street address is  Le 6B, 6-10 quai de Seine, 93200 Saint-Denis, France.

The event itself is free of charge and open for all!

Battlemesh brings people together from around the globe who are interested in wireless mesh networks, community networks and DIY Internet access providers.  The organizers envision 7 days full...

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Hamvention 2019 Mini Classes

Booth # 1001


We plan to conduct a series of mini classes in our booth #1001 at Hamvention at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, Ohio, May 17-19.

Each class is about 15 minutes long. Since there is limited space available, we will conduct additional sessions if the demand warrants them. Please check our booth for schedule updates.

Friday, May 17
10:00 – Voice over IP
11:00 – Using Streaming Video Cameras
13:00 – Getting Started with AREDN
14:00 – Network Planning
15:00 – Voice over IP
16:00 – Installing AREDN on a Mikrotik hAP AC Lite

Saturday, May 18
10:00 – Getting Started with AREDN
11:00 – Basic Setup on a AREDN Node
12:00 – Linking radio systems using the AREDN network
              Forum Room 2

15:30 – Basic Setup of an AREDN Node
16:15 – Voice over IP

Sunday, May 19
10:00 – Network Planning
11:00 – Getting Started with AREDN

Additional classes may...

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