Thank you to all who visited us at Hamvention 2023 in Xenia, Ohio this past weekend. We enjoyed seeing you, listening to your success stories and answering your questions.
Orv W6BI gave a well-attended presentation on Saturday. Some of his past presentations are available on YouTube. Just search for Orv W6BI to find them.
A very special thanks to our local hosts and support team, Chuck NC8Q and Bill WA8APD. They were instrumental in setting up our booth. Chuck also provided access to the Miami Valley AREDN network to demonstrate live streaming video and VoIP telephony. Bill hoisted our AREDN banner high overhead so that it could be seen from most of the building. Thanks to to Kiley KD8DRX who answered a lot of questions in the booth on Friday.
We also experienced one of the rarest Hamvention weather conditions ever - no rain during Hamvention show hours during all three days!
Thanks from the AREDN Hamvention team,
Randy WU2S
Orv W6BI
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