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York Region

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York Region
Hi I'm Chris VE3NRT, President of York Region ARC. We are looking at AREDN here finally, and I have a couple of nanostations to play with that appear to the be of the right type. Seeking "friends in high places" in the region to locate some AREDN equipment, and also looking at ad-hoc networks with Nanostation and others as appropriate for portable Winlink operations (see my article in the next TCA). We might be able to get access to some water towers although I expect approvals will be quite slow.

There's not much activity in this forum, but it looks like there's been some extensive build out of a network in some parts of the GH and I'd like to know more about it, especially if we can find the means to connect to the larger network.

We have just met with regional authorities to discuss how we can help them, and they are eager to include us in their plans (them having several potential failure points to contend with), so we are motivated to start testing.

Chris VE3NRT
647 444-2210

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