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Xm or XW

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Xm or XW
I recently purchased two Ubiquiti Nanostation NSM5(US) from Microcenter. How do I know if they are XM or XW?
K6CCC's picture
Easiest way is to connect to
Easiest way is to connect to them with their UBNT firmware and look at the Main page and it will tell you.
From the Ubiquiti site, I
From the Ubiquiti site, I have downloaded both the MW and MX firmware. However, how would I know which one to use on my units.

K6CCC's picture
You missed my point.  I am
You missed my point.  I am assuming that this is a Ubiquiti radio that has not been flashed for AREDN and still has Ubiquiti AirOS firmware.  Connect to the radio with your computer and look at the Main page.  It will tell you which it is.
nc8q's picture
how would I know which one to use on my units.
With a new Ubiquiti device, you may use the Ubiquiti firmware that is already in the device.
The manufacturer's on board firmware will display its hardware as being XM or XW or whatever.
If you wish to use AREDN firmware on the Ubiquiti device, first use the original firmware (as above)
to determine the on-board hardware, then download and install the appropriate AREDN firmware.
HTH, Chuck

K5DLQ's picture
w8erw's picture
Read the Docs
Believe me, I realize getting started with AREDN can be daunting for those who have never been involved with networking.  Having said that, it is critical that you read the documentation.  Many have worked tirelessly to provide a lot of good information that will help you get started.  This is not plug & play stuff but it is also very well done by those who have intimate knowledge of how it all works.  Read before you start and read again.  A little work ahead of your attempt to flash your new hardware with AREDN will pay off well.  Good luck.  And thank you AREDN team.
w8erw's picture

Hi Art,  Have you been successful assessing the hardware version yet and I assume reflashing the Nanostation device?

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