I bought a couple of used Nano Loco M2, was so excited to flash them for AREDN I completely forgot about the issues doing this on AirOS 6.0. I did not run the U-Boot test program and jumped right into flashing the device with the latest factory AREDN firmware. Don't know if I just got lucky or the thing will suddenly melt down, but it seems to be running fine. I can see it from my other nodes and it can see all other nodes. From all appearances it is working OK. So, when will the other shoe drop, and how bad will it be...or did I just get extremely lucky? Its a pretty old Nano Loco M2, looks like the guy had it in service for some time. Anyway, any thoughts or warnings, issues I can expect to crop up?
73, Bill, N4SV
73, Bill, N4SV
You're fine. The UBOOT utility was a remanent from a time when Ubiquiti was changing their memory allocations around. OpenWRT and the AREDN team have figured out how to distinguish their version, so we handle it in software now. I encourage everyone to always use the current revision of the documentation: https://arednmesh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
73, Bill, N4SV