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Writing on the wall... Moving to OLSRDv2

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kj6dzb's picture
Writing on the wall... Moving to OLSRDv2 Dear all, OLSRd v1 has been in 'freeze' mode for a long time now, after I sent out an email looking for a new maintainer on Oct 31st 2018. At this time I've decided to completely stop maintaining OLSRd v1, and since nobody applied for the task of being the new maintainer, OLSRd v1 will now go into hard-freeze mode. You are all advised to switch to OLSRd v2 or to another ad-hoc routing protocol implementation. So long and thanks for all the fish! -- Ferry Huberts
w6bi's picture
Routing Protocols
I believe I read that they've moved on from OLSRd v2 to B.A.T.M.A.N.  and that if AREDN ever dumped OLSRv1 it would likely move to something like B.A.T.M.A.N.

The problem is, none of them are backwards compatible.  Imagine upgrading every node on your network on the same weekend.   (It'll eventually have to be done, but wow!)

Orv W6BI

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