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Workday yesterday: Dallas, North Dallas, Farmers Branch, Richardson - North Texas

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Workday yesterday: Dallas, North Dallas, Farmers Branch, Richardson - North Texas

Thanks to Paul Newman KA5TYW for organizing a fun and awesome workday for us North Texas AREDN'ers. We had maybe 10 in the group, such as:

I don't know who in this group were all there but this was the emailed group - started out as just two people then wow! Great stuff.

We met in a park and several Ubiquity NSM2 connections made, and several mesh chat sessions established. We also assisted others with new configs, including raspberry pi, etc.

One issue came up repeatedly with MeshChat that we'll need to research. The software is easy enough to load, but for some reason the service was not visible when run from the pi's. You could directly log into someone's Meshchat sometimes, and sometimes not - and we tried port forwarding and other things. We need to get this down soon.

Paul had us meet afterwards to plan out next steps. Everyone seems to be very much "all-in" with the mission. Our next steps were agreed upon, to define the short term and long term goals - including a goal of a standardized stack with one hour set up time.

More later.
Patrick KM5L

While I realize the post is about 2 years old, are there any more meetings of this nature taking place in the DFW metroplex areas?


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