Is there a way to connect to the Wires X thru the MESH when you are tunneled in? My internet modem has a blocked on the 40000 - 50000 ports. I am tunneled into MESH node and was considering connecting that way.
de K6KA
Is there a way to connect to the Wires X thru the MESH when you are tunneled in? My internet modem has a blocked on the 40000 - 50000 ports. I am tunneled into MESH node and was considering connecting that way.
de K6KA
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I see the WIRES devices use the ports, 46100、46110、46112、46114 、46120、46122. This is in the registered services port range and would be very unusual to be blocked, in the range of 1024-49151. Could this issue be solved by using a port forward on both ends for the respective router/modem? Port forwarding these to your internal WIRES IP address? e.g. incoming port 46100 from the internet is port forwarded to the local WIRES-HOST:46100? Does the WIRES device have an IP address, e.g. 192.168.1.x?
Thanks for the ideas! I had not thought of setting it up that way and that should work in theory. A dedicated tunnel, even over an RF link should keep the 2 nodes locked together and solve the problem. We will give it a shot and report back.
"What we need to work out is a "double port forward" and be able to have a fixed the path back to the internet source when using multiple hops over the MESH system"
If I understand correctly, you've added a port forward on a given mesh gateway to the windows device where the HRI-200 is connected to at a repeater site? Thus, an incoming internet connection (from the remote HRI-200) is connecting to the local HRI-200 on one of these 4xxxx ports. Adding an SNAT on this port forward will ensure when the local HRI-200 responds back, that it will go back to the same mesh gateway. However, in IRLP's case, this doesn't work -- an SNAT couldn't be used the way the application was written. We basically had to ensue the repeater site was always having a default routing to the correct internet gateway (if there were others to choose from on the mesh). Maybe same for WIRES?