Will this work to add internet, tunneling, and an IP camera to an ARDEN Node?
Will this work to add internet, tunneling, and an IP camera to an ARDEN Node?
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AL7MH, this can work, but further specifics of how the switch needs to be configured and the cabling path is not specified sufficiently. The GS105E needs to have a WAN port defined going to your home network. I assume the airGateway is in bridge mode and a) cat5 to POE injector is only power; b) cat5 to GS105E is to a LAN port of the NS.
GS105E - port 1 for mesh node; port 2 lan port; port 3 lan port, port 4 lan port or TBD, port 5 WAN
Thanks, I'm planning to configure the GS105E according to this:
And I'll have to look into the airGateway 'bridge mode'. I am currently using it to communicate directly with the NanoStation M5 (without the GS105E).
There may be another option, not as complex to join the LAN of the node to be the same subnet as your home network. Put the home devices with access to both the mesh and your home network on the node's LAN without joining these networks. The GS105E would have the WAN port connected to your home network which does not have to be a "Mesh Gateway" (does not allow anyone on the mesh to use your internet connections). However, the devices on the node's LAN still find mesh addresses from the node's DNS, then escalation to your home network/internet DNS. I do this and still print on a printer on my home network, etc.