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Where do I download tunnel packages to laptop?

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Where do I download tunnel packages to laptop?

I have a node running AREDN SW ver that needs to have the tunnel client installed from the attached laptop (via ethernet) rather than directly from the internet. For various reason the node itself can't get internet access.

From where can download the tunnel package(s) so I can then upload them to the AREDN node?


k1ky's picture
Where do download tunnel packages to laptop?

That's a good question.  I would suggest that you might want to try the latest Nightly 1070, which already includes the tunnel package.  Tunnel won't give you much benefit until you supply internet to that unit, so I'm not quite sure what you are attempting to accomplish?  As long as internet is available "somewhere" on your network that unit is connected to, you should be able to install and utilize the tunnel function.

What I am trying to
What I am trying to accomplish here is take a look at what parameters a tunnel requires and what protocol it might be using.

Is an AREDN tunnel a generic IPIP tunnel? If so, I should be able to connect to a tunnel server using a Linux laptop. I have a Linux laptop on the LAN connected to the node. 

 ​I would prefer for my node to not have internet access except when I have the Linux laptop up and running. 

For now it's kind of moot since I upgraded my laptop to Fedora 35 and ip forwarding in the kernel seem to be broken. They patched a bunch of CVEs in the recent Fedora 35 kernels and broke a ton of stuff. It's a mess.

Insufficient free space to install tunnel on CPE510?

Well, by hook and crook I got the AREDN to be able to reach Now there is an "Insuffient free disk space!" error when I "Click To Install" on the tunnel client page.

Df is as follows: 
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 5.0M      5.0M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    29.4M    276.0K     29.1M   1% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock6          960.0K    412.0K    548.0K  43% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay      960.0K    412.0K    548.0K  43% /
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev

Node is a TpLink CPE510 running AREDN Meshchat used to be installed on it, but I removed the package. Any ideas how I can free up space?


nc8q's picture
Any ideas how I can free up space?

From where can download the tunnel package(s) so I can then upload them to the AREDN node?
Loading the current Nightly Build will solve both issues.
+1 k1ky:
If the node does not have internet, there is no need of an AREDN tunnel application.

73, Chuck

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