I brought up at our club meeting here in western PA a few weeks ago and I think that there might be more folks who could be interested in setting up some link here. Please let me know if your interested!
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Would love to see this be successful in WPA. I had a Grid M2 up for a while in my neighborhood (near Munhall/W Mifflin). Others in the area associated with Pitt have also been involved. Open to ideas! 73, Doc. doc@kt3l.com.
That's awesome Barney. I just put my first node together and will put a couple more and point in a few directions. I am working with some of the clubs here in Pittsburgh, but right now I am not connected to anyone. I may use a Tunnel on my hAPac to get connected somewhere to practice with services. Glad to see someone else from WPA is thinking about getting AREDN going in our area. Hopefully, someday we can get connected. I can foresee Allegheny to Westmoreland to Mercer (or vice-versa) since we have the interstate running through our counties. Paul K2PMD
Ted - KB3ZTD