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Western PA Activity

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Western PA Activity
I brought up at our club meeting here in western PA a few weeks ago and I think that there might be more folks who could be interested in setting up some link here.  Please let me know if your interested!

Western PA

Would love to see this be successful in WPA.  I had a Grid M2 up for a while in my neighborhood (near Munhall/W Mifflin).  Others in the area associated with Pitt have also been involved.  Open to ideas!  73, Doc.

AREDN Mesh Pittsburgh Area
I see there wasn't much response to this thread. I am putting up a few nodes in my backyard in the hopes of getting some folks to start a mesh here in Pittsburgh. I am a member of the Skyview Radio Society and the Breezeshooters. Hopefully, we can champion starting a mesh here. de K2PMD
Mercer County
There is a group here in Mercer County that is starting to look into mesh networking but I am not sure where it will go. Barney K3LA
Mercer County

That's awesome Barney. I just put my first node together and will put a couple more and point in a few directions. I am working with some of the clubs here in Pittsburgh, but right now I am not connected to anyone. I may use a Tunnel on my hAPac to get connected somewhere to practice with services. Glad to see someone else from WPA is thinking about getting AREDN going in our area. Hopefully, someday we can get connected. I can foresee Allegheny to Westmoreland to Mercer (or vice-versa) since we have the interstate running through our counties.  Paul K2PMD

Mercer County
We had a work session last night to get people started with mesh networking and had people from other counties show up. We will see where it goes from here. Barney K3LA
I am just starting to get
I am just starting to get into the AREDN community and live in the Cranberry Twp area. I don't see any nodes up this way north of Pittsburgh, but I was wondering if there are any that you were aware of. I have a few friends who are possibly interested in trying to get some RF connections set up, but we are looking to see if there is anything we can work with before starting from scratch.

Ted - KB3ZTD
kc3uxl's picture
Yay! more WPA ARDEN. I've
Yay! more WPA ARDEN. I've been able to, mostly, get my club (W3GV RAE) on board with using AREND to link some of our repeaters and start building a mesh up in Erie County. Glad to see more folks getting on the band wagon!

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