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Watchdog and new UI and upgrade issue

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Watchdog and new UI and upgrade issue

When getting ready to install the new version 3.25.2 the "watchdog" is showing as active.
Checking the setup under  both the new ui and the old, watchdog is configured as off.

The node has been rebooted and the watchdog still shows as active.

How do I verify that watchdog is disabled and can safely upgrade to 3.25.2 from 3.34.10
The node is a rocket and in mounted on a tower which we need the city to access with ther

Thank you
K6CCC's picture
Where are you seeing it as
Where are you seeing it as "active"?
It is displaying on the New
It is displaying on the New UI page 

And I get the warning when on the upgrade interface.
I'm leery of all the new
I'm leery of all the new features in the new releases being turned on by default.  I'd rather they are available to those who want them and know how to apply them.

For example, I had one nearby ham who had issues with the default watchdog rebooting his node at 3am.  Routing and loads were always high and something was going wrong.  We disabled the auto watchdog and things settled down.

Another example is the LQM.  A while ago, we were told to enable this to increase stability.  Lately, it drops stations that we would prefer to keep on our mesh so we are starting to turn it off as default, and only enabling when we become aware of a node that is being bothered by a bad connection. 

Now I'm hearing funny stuff about new networking stuff, like the LAN to 44net.  It might be useful, but I would rather it is default off and then I'm happy to learn why I might want to turn it on.

Just saying ... slow and careful with new features please ...
K6CCC's picture
Now I see what you are
Now I see what you are talking about.  I just looked at one of my Rockets that has and the Wireless watchdog showed on.  Turned it off and it shows as disabled.
However, why are you concerned that the watchdog would be an issue during an upgrade?
The issue is that the new
The issue is that the new firmware turns it on by default.  As it wasn't present before, the new install turns it on as default even if you "keep your old settings".


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