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VK3 Melbourne Australia - Tunnel to US - Update

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VK3 Melbourne Australia - Tunnel to US - Update

Hi All

Trying to drive some interest in AREDN down here in VK3 land and I have a TPlink CP210 and AR150 (portable use) up at the moment. No other nodes here in VK3 as of yet and was wondering if somebody has a tunnel server I could connect to for testing and demonstration purposes?

Update: 16th August. Thanks to all how have sent a DM offering connections and information etc. I now have a tunnel in place for testing and a couple of possibilities for a more permanent connection. Working on driving some interest in the local ham community here in VK3 and having something to show makes a difference.

Melbourne, Australia

N2MH's picture
Gold Coast

Hi Darrin,

For some  "local" coverage, you might contact David, VK4PUP, up on the Gold Coast. He has been active for a year and a half now. If you do bring up a tunnel to him, you should disconnect your tunnel to California as that could link two networks together that shouldn't be linked.

73, Mark, N2MH
MeshPhone: 973-2111

Hi Mark, thanks for the info.
Hi Mark, thanks for the info. I think your suggestion is a good one moving forward to avoid long tunnels. I'll certainly shut down the existing one kindly supplied by Mark KM6ZPO once I've completed some testing with him.

I'll reach out to David VK4PUP.


wa2ise's picture
Instead of shutting down you

Instead of shutting down you existing tunnel to California, you could put up a separate node completely independent to connect to VK4PUP.  That way you don't create an undesired linkage between the two systems. That's what I did.

I used a Raspberry Pi as a web page server, and found a method to serve both nodes without creating a connection between the two nodes (see bottom of this page)

K6AH's picture
Unnecessarily complicated
I would keep it simple.  Just keep one tunnel connection.
ZL2AQY's picture
No linking problem
No problem with a tunnel to here Darrin. I run a hub the same as N2MH so any link will be separated from any others.

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