My hAP ac Lite is running in NAT Mode and has a few services and port forwarding rules set but it looses them after the check-services crontab wakes up for the third time after setting or resetting those services definitions.
The reason seems to be olsrd-config fails to pass the http checks and tcp fallback checks. The pings are ok, the services are up and accessible, the port forwarding rules are running, and the services are running and accessible from the LAN, the Dtd and even the mesh through port forwarding all the time. It's only service advertising that has an issue.
On my hAP, I noticed olsrd-config checks those services using the externally advertised host and ports instead of the destination hosts and ports. This should show that both the port forwarding rules AND the services are working, but it doesn't.
For the external service http://ki6tsf-hap-1.local.mesh:8082/meshchat/ that maps to http://ki6tsf-rpi:80/meshchat/
olsrd-config checks ki6tsf-hap-1 on port 8082 instead of ki6tsf-rpi on port 80.
This fails: on my hAP FW4 does not allow the host to access itself on any forwarded port, it only allows other addresses to access those ports.
My hAP was initially set in Direct Mode, then NAT Mode, while the port forwarding rules where set before turning on NAT Mode. Did this create some issue in the FW4 config? I don't know how to solve this issue.
Bernard KI6TSF
My hAP ac Lite is running in NAT Mode and has a few services and port forwarding rules set but it looses them after the check-services crontab wakes up for the third time after setting or resetting those services definitions.
The reason seems to be olsrd-config fails to pass the http checks and tcp fallback checks. The pings are ok, the services are up and accessible, the port forwarding rules are running, and the services are running and accessible from the LAN, the Dtd and even the mesh through port forwarding all the time. It's only service advertising that has an issue.
On my hAP, I noticed olsrd-config checks those services using the externally advertised host and ports instead of the destination hosts and ports. This should show that both the port forwarding rules AND the services are working, but it doesn't.
For the external service http://ki6tsf-hap-1.local.mesh:8082/meshchat/ that maps to http://ki6tsf-rpi:80/meshchat/
olsrd-config checks ki6tsf-hap-1 on port 8082 instead of ki6tsf-rpi on port 80.
This fails: on my hAP FW4 does not allow the host to access itself on any forwarded port, it only allows other addresses to access those ports.
My hAP was initially set in Direct Mode, then NAT Mode, while the port forwarding rules where set before turning on NAT Mode. Did this create some issue in the FW4 config? I don't know how to solve this issue.
Bernard KI6TSF