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Using WAN Port on GL-iNet AR750

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Using WAN Port on GL-iNet AR750
I have three nodes up and running. Two are the GL-iNet AR750's and one is a TP-Link CPE210.
I would like to be able to access the MESH Nodes from an iPad or Laptop/Desktop attached to my local home network.
To this end I have one of the AR750's plugged into my home network switch from the AR750's WAN Port.
I have checked the "Allow others to use my WAN" on the Basic Setup screen.
My home router sees the AR750-4 and assigns it an IP address of

From a web browser on my iPad or my Laptop I can type in the address and the AR750-4's web interface opens up.
From it's Mesh Status Screen I can see the other two Mesh Nodes, AR750-1 and the TPL-2 nodes but I can not access either of them nor their advertised services.

The AR750-1 and the TPL-2 nodes appear to be able to reach the Internet through the AR750-4's WAN Port since both of them have pulled in the correct time and date.and under the Administration tab they can both reach the Firmware Update Server and load the current list of available firmware files.

What else do I need to do to be able to access the two remote mesh nodes and their services from a terminal attached to my home network?
Are there other settings I need to change in the AR750-4's configuration to allow me to go through its WAN port and reach other nodes on the Mesh Network?

To implement this will I need to go into my home network's Switch and set up some VLAN rules? Obviously I'm missing something and I've not been able to locate the info I need on the web site or Forums. At least not in the places i have searched so far.

nc8q's picture
Access AREDN Nodes from a device attached to local home network.

Hi, Keith:

I have three nodes up and running. Two are the GL-iNet AR750's and one is a TP-Link CPE210. I would like to be able to access the MESH Nodes from an iPad or Laptop/Desktop attached to my local home network.

AREDN Nodes and Advertised Services are not broadcast on an AREDN Nodes' WAN or LAN ports.
These broadcasts are only on its DtD and RF (not Wi-Fi client/AP) ports.

(*) An iPad or Laptop/Desktop attached to your AR750's LAN port can browse both the WAN and the LAN network.

To this end I have one of the AR750's plugged into my home network switch from the AR750's WAN Port.
I have checked the "Allow others to use my WAN" on the Basic Setup screen.

This should, normally, be unchecked.

What else do I need to do to be able to access the two remote mesh nodes and their services from a terminal attached to my home network?

You will still need to access your AR750 by IP address only as it does not broadcast its 'Name' on its WAN port.
Then, on your AR750, a port forward for each node and service on your AREDN network.
I suggest (*).

Are there other settings I need to change in the AR750-4's configuration to allow me to go through its WAN port and reach other nodes on the Mesh Network?
A port forward for each node and service on your AREDN network.

To implement this will I need to go into my home network's Switch and set up some VLAN rules?

Your home router does not advertise, on its WAN (the internet), the devices/servers on your home LAN.
Like your home router,
your AR750 router does not advertise, on its WAN (your home LAN), your AREDN nodes/services.

I hope this helps,

Using WAN Port on GL-iNet AR750
Thanks for the reply Chuck.

 I was expecting that once I was connected to the AR750 Node over my home network, via its WAN port, and could see its Mesh Status page that I would then be able to connect to any nodes that showed up on the Mesh Network, or to their services just like I can when I access the AR750 node via its 5GHz wireless access port.

So the other Nodes on the mesh network can route through the AR750's WAN port, out onto the Internet to the firmware server, and NTP servers but I can't route into the Mesh Network through the AR750's WAN port to access other mesh nodes and their services, at least not with this simple set up?
I see the logic of not opening up a Mesh Network to every device on the public side of the WAN, but it would be handy to have one home computer that has full  Internet access and full access to the Mesh Network.
 I'm going to have to do some more reading and head scratching, LOL. 

nc8q's picture
home computer that has full Internet access and full access to

"...home computer that has full Internet access and full access to the Mesh Network."

Hi, Keith:

Simple...and the same way you hook up your home computer to connect to both your home LAN and the internet.
Connect your home computer to the LAN port of your AR750.
Then your computer has access to the AR750 LAN (AREDN network), home LAN, and internet.

I hope this helps,

Computer access to Mesh LAN and Home LAN
I will give it a try!

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