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Upgrading from Ubiquiti PBE400 to 500

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Upgrading from Ubiquiti PBE400 to 500
Can the LAN side of a node's IP, MAC reservations, etc. be safely edited in /etc/config/dhcp, /etc/config/network and /etc/config/firewall? I will be replacing a PBE400 with a PBE500 and it would sure save a lot of headaches while at the site if I could pre-configure the replacement to use the existing LAN net that exists at the remote site while still at my shop.

The LAN net of the current PBE400 is and its replacement PBE500 is

(I posted this at Slack but I'm thinking there are more eyes over here. Really, I don't mean to spam laugh)

K6CCC's picture
You don't have to do it by
You don't have to do it by mucking the file system.   You can make those changes in the GUI.  With that said, I just looked, and could not find a way to change that in the new User Interface - but I know you can in the old UI.  I may have missed it however.

With that said, why do you think it will be much easier to reuse the IP range?  Since for all practical purposes, everything in the AREDN network uses the device name, not the IP address, it makes little difference if it changes.

I am running a Proxmox
I am running a Proxmox computer at the site with many MAC reservations (including my switch). At least 1 VM is Allstar (private nodes) so IP is used not hostname.

FWIW, I don't see a way to edit the node's LAN address in the old UI either
You can edit the RF IP but
You can edit the RF IP but not the LAN, as far as I can see
Update. Got what I needed,
Update. Got what I needed, thanks

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