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Upgrade from 3.22.1 To 3.22.12 with active tunnels

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Upgrade from 3.22.1 To 3.22.12 with active tunnels


I've got a couple of nodes (all with larger ram sizes) on the older version (3.22.1)  before tunnels were build in. 

I believe if I click on all  existing tunnels (server and client), turning them off (un activated), then I can use the admin, download the latest and upgrade (online) and these will go smoothly. After the node is backup, I can check that tunnels back on.

Then in the future, I don't need to do this as tunnels are build in. 

All correct???


Brent W8XG

K6CCC's picture
Correct.  Nodes with tunnels
Correct.  Nodes with tunnels are FAR easier to upgrade than they used to be.  Just do the upgrade.  Nothing required for the tunnels.
k1ky's picture
Tunnel Upgrades
You can save a LOT of time by just simply removing the Tunnel module (vtunxx), then upgrade.  All active tunnel connections will be restored.  Screen shots are a good idea before upgrading.
Tunnel Upgrades
K1ky Thanks,

Yea, that was simple. Delete the tunnel (add in), update to the newest and (of course tunnels are not built in), just re-emable them.

Thanks, W8XG Brent
k1ky's picture
Tunnel Upgrades
Correct - just to be clear, if you don't disable any of the active tunnel Client/Server connections, remove the VTUN module, reboot, then install upgrade, your previous active connections should be restored.  Saves lots of clicking and unclicking.

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