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Unable to Update Mikrotik RB 912UAG-5HPnD

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KD1HA's picture
Unable to Update Mikrotik RB 912UAG-5HPnD
Hi all

I'm unable to update all of my (6) Mikrotik RouterBOARD 912UAG-5HPnD from to and this includes the nightly builds. Also when using the admin page I get the 404. 

The nodes are running fine but just trying to update all our nodes.

Thank you,
Denis KD1HA
Denis, read this thread 
Or review this section of the
Or review this section of the online documentation:
KD1HA's picture
Thank you for responding guys
Thank you for responding guys! I have many more of these radios to be deployed. I didn't know this was an issue when we installed these!

Thanks again,

It's only a "one time" issue
It's only a "one time" issue -- simply to migrate the firmware from the legacy ar71xx architecture to the latest OpenWRT architecture.

The latest AREDN® firmware contains features which are inherited from the newest OpenWRT upstream releases. The OpenWRT *Release Notes* describe these new features. One important change is the inclusion of new target architectures for the firmware. The legacy “ar71xx” target has been retired and is replaced by the “ath79” and “ipq40xx” targets.

KD1HA's picture
You are correct. All our
You are correct. All our radios (approximately 40) are now updated to except one of the Mikrotik RouterBOARD 912UAG-5HPnD from started loading the Dangerous Upgrade and then failed. It did come back up but now I'm unable to access the admin page with a "Bad Gateway" but the node is operating normally. Tried all the tricks to bypass the gateway but I can not upgrade this one located at remote secure facility. 


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