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UI Litebeam 5AC not coming up after install

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UI Litebeam 5AC not coming up after install
1st time here trying to get AREDN node setup. I have the Ubiquity Litebeam 5AC Gen2 - I used the litebeam-ac-gen2 firmware . Followed the setup process to the T. Not sure why the AREDN firmware is not coming up at . Tried 2 times thru the process. the 2nd time used TFTP to rest to UI firmware. Any thoughts on how to debug. I assume 5AC is compatible since its in the the list. Thanks Vijay
I'm running 3.24.10 on the
I'm running 3.24.10 on the same model and it works great on a 15 mile connection. Only suggestion is to confirm what UI firmware version it's running and make sure it's WA or XC.. It is mentioned in the how to so I'm sure you did that step, I had to downgrade mine before it took.

Other than that I copied and pasted the commands from the how-to when using SSH / SCP so I didn't fat finger anything. Did you get any errors while doing any of the commands?

I did confirm the UI sottware
I did confirm the UI sottware  version , it was WA version and had to downgrade per the instruction. Tried with many nightly build also. Always the same issue - install goes thru fine with no errors. But the ethernet never comes up and does not connect via hardwired cable. Its not pingable. Connecting to the WiFi "MeshNode2G" the software comes up but then after setting it up it still does not connect to wired ethernet. 

I have downgrade to a Mikrotiq radio now and install goes thru on that , but I think its a weaker radio with smaller antenna beam width etc. 

Thanks again for responsing to my question. 

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