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Ubiquity AirCamera's

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Ubiquity AirCamera's
Hi All,

I wanted to reach out to this group to see if anyone has discovered an open source alternative code that I could load into the Ubiquity AirCamera's.  I was an early adaptor to the AirCam and am now sorry I made the investment in the AirCameras.  Their limitations on what they can do as a standalone device has become appalling.  Anything you could recommend other that replacing the AirCamera's would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Paul Strauss
Camarillo, CA
Can't say that I have heard
Can't say that I have heard of anything though I will admit I haven't looked that hard but I sure haven't stumbled upon anything.
KU7PDX's picture
Can you elaborate on the
Can you elaborate on the issues with the AirCamera?
You have 2 options
I was also an early adopter and now very happy with the UVC G3s. If you want to keep your G1 Aircam and use it as stand alone you will need to find an old  firmware from way back before the feature was removed. 

The other option is RMA your old cam(s). Ubiquiti has a replacement program where for each G1 Aircam you send them you get a 50% off coupon for the G3. The G3s have the stand alone feature.

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