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Ubiquiti TS-5-POE 24v Battery Operation

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Ubiquiti TS-5-POE 24v Battery Operation
Has anyone tried operating the TS-5 from a 24v battery? 

Specifically I am trying to understand the voltage operating range. A 24v LiFePO4 battery typically operates between ~22-28v. 

The included power adapter is 24v 2.5A


w6bi's picture
Switch voltag
I suspect that the switch isn't real fussy about supply voltages.  All the electronics inside is probably using 5 volts, regulated down from 24.  The 24 volts is used for Ubiquiti POE gear and that gear will operate down to about 11.8 volts.

Orv W6BI
KM4TBQ's picture
I was also testing a switch,
I was also testing a switch, the netgear 108, which is 12 volt. I accidentally let the deep cycle battery drop to 7 volts, and the whole setup was still functioning up until the end.
nc8q's picture
accidentally let the deep cycle battery drop to 7 volts
Oh, no!

Hi, Thomas:

Keep that battery charged. ;-)

73, Chuck

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KM4TBQ's picture
Yeah, it was definitely an
Yeah, it was definitely an "oh crap" moment. Good thing it's an old battery.... Nice panels

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