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Ubiquiti Rocket M5 availability

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Ubiquiti Rocket M5 availability
I'm hunting down a couple more Rocket M5s to complete my mesh system build out.  I have noticed that Rocket M5s have gotten much harder to find, and I have seen one comment that they have been discontinued.  

Can anyone confirm if the Rocket M5 is still in production or end-of-life?  Is there a plan or intent to support another version of the Ubiquiti Rocket so there's continuity with the installed base of Ubiquiti Rocket M5-compatible antennas?  

Thank you, and my complements for the excellent firmware work!

nc8q's picture
installed base of Ubiquiti Rocket M5-compatible antennas?
Hi, Collier: I think the TP-LINK WBS510 will match with your already purchased Rocket-M5 antennas. If you don't have already purchased antennas, there is a good selection among TP-LINK CPE510/520 and Mikrotik LHGs and the SXTsq... but don't mix Mikrotik and other manufacturers at 5 MHz bandwidth. 73, Chuck
Chip availability
Hi, Chuck,

Thank you for the suggestion!  I have considered combining the Ubiquiti sectors I have with another vendor for the radio but wasn't sure where to start or if there were any showstopper reasons not to mix them. 

I received word from a disti that Ubiquiti is having "some issues" with the 5 GHz chip in the M5, so they are focusing on producing their other versions like the AC product line with what limited parts they are able to get.  


KG7LMI's picture
Re: Ubiquiti Rocket M5 availability

Another option is the MikroTik Basebox 5. I ran into the same issue you're having earlier this year when we were expanding our network. Unfortunately, I was not able to source the TP-LINK product either, so I ended up using the MikroTik.The radio part works fine, but it is not form-compatible with the Ubiquiti dishes. I was able to make it work, though, by designing and 3D-printing an adapter for the RD-5G30-LW dishes we already had. I posted the link to the 3D print file to the forum a few months ago. It's in Thingiverse but for some reason, it's not on the "my designs" page. If you need it I can repost it.

73, Rob
Will keep that option open
Hi, Rob,

Thank you for the suggestion.  We have three Rocket M5s on order, but we'll see if this source can deliver.  If not, I'll work on the Basebox 5 option.  

KG7LMI's picture
Copy that. I have had 2 RM5s
Copy that. I have had 2 RM5s on backorder since April, so if you get yours, let me know your source!

73, Rob
w6bi's picture
This was mentioned a few months ago in the forums - RF Elements has an adapter to let a Basebox mount to the back of Ubiquiti sector antenna.  It's the EasyBracket 912

Orv W6BI
KG7LMI's picture
Yeah, I had hoped to use that but I could not find one at any site in the US. You could order it for a few dollars from Europe/UK but with exorbitant shipping fees. I'm sure the issue wrt stock is that RF Elements discontinued this product.  I asked the Forum at the time if anyone knew where to get one in the US. If anyone knows of domestic stock, please let us all know.

73, Rob
w6bi's picture
EasyBracket 912
Didn't find any on eBay either... sad
Ebay stock
Currently im seeing a lot of M5 with 10dBi sticks being surplused on Ebay im just starting to play with one that came in the mail just now

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